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Mercedes Franchesca Gonzalez NIA: 206680 email: [email protected]

Júlia Tortosa NIA: 227215 email: [email protected]

Video del Juego:


GameScreen IntroScreen


You are trapped in a laboratory and you must resolve the riddles to scape.

How to Play

When in the screen appear a UI with buttons, you can iteract with them with the mouse

During the game, you can move using the following keys:

  • w: forward
  • s: backward
  • d: right
  • a: left

And you can use your mouse to rotate the view you are currently visualizing.

Also, you can open an inventory with the key I, and pause the game with the key m

When you are close to some objects in the scene, it may appear a pop up message indicating you what keys you can use to interact with it.

The principal objective is to get out the laboratory where the game takes place. To do that, you must resolve the riddles to obtain the codes and open the doors.

In the IntroStage and Endstage, you can close the game with the following button:


Also, in the inventory menu, if you had saved previously a note, if you click in its respective button, you can read the note from the inventory

From the IntroStage and TutorialStage you can start the game, but if you had already started the game, but didn't finished, if you return to these stages you can resume your game, but if you close the app, the data won't be saved, so you will start again if you run the game again.

If you finish the game, you can start again the game, exit the game or read again the tutorial.


You only have to execute the game.exe and the the game will start


Steps to solve the scaperoom:

1. Read the notes
2. Enter the correct code on the PC (last 4 digits of the count of the number of bottles)
3. Take a look at the console and create the shape in it (the correct shape is visible on the console) by clicking at the buttons;
4. Look at the objects of the rooms
5. The only visible number is the correct code on the last PC.