-1. find a linux computer ;_; mac is so sad for gimp (aka go to an athena cluster) 0. download gimp if you don't already have it.
- download the ult-doorsigns.py file!
- create a file new-smite-names.txt and put it somewhere
- make a directory where the doorsigns end up
- update lines 68,69 of the python file to the appropriate locations
- move the file to the appropriate gimp plugins folder! (google this if you need to) actually, try looking at this installation page.
- download old-template.xcf (for new members) or new-template.xcf (for returners).
- open the xcf in gimp!
- under image > scripts there should be a door signs script.
- run it!
- yay all your doorsigns should be donezo :)
- steps should be fairly similar for the doorsigns for returners!
i'll update this one day... maybe.