Modified from
docker plugin install juicedata/juicefs
# JuiceFS Community Edition
docker volume create -d juicedata/juicefs:latest -o name=$JFS_VOL -o metaurl=$JFS_META_URL jfsvolume
docker run -it -v jfsvolume:/opt busybox ls /opt
# JuiceFS Enterprise Edition
docker volume create -d juicedata/juicefs:latest -o name=$JFS_VOL -o token=$JFS_TOKEN -o access-key=$JFS_ACCESSKEY -o secret-key=$JFS_SECRETKEY jfsvolume
docker run -it -v jfsvolume:/opt busybox ls /opt
Boot up vagrant environment
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Inside vagrant
export WORKDIR=~/go/src/docker-volume-juicefs
mkdir -p $WORKDIR
rsync -avz --exclude plugin --exclude .git --exclude .vagrant /vagrant/ $WORKDIR/
make enable
docker volume create -d juicedata/juicefs:next -o name=$JFS_VOL -o token=$JFS_TOKEN -o access-key=$JFS_ACCESSKEY -o secret-key=$JFS_SECRETKEY jfsvolume
docker run -it -v jfsvolume:/opt busybox ls /opt
Install juicedata/juicefs plugin on every worker node, otherwise service mounting JuiceFS volume will not be scheduled.
Use docker service
to deploy to Docker swarm
docker service create --name nginx --mount \
volume-opt=name=$JFS_VOL,volume-opt=token=$JFS_TOKEN,volume-opt=access-key=$JFS_ACCESSKEY,volume-opt=secret-key=$JFS_SECRETKEY nginx:alpine
Scale up
docker service scale nginx=3
Deployment from docker compose file is not supported because there is no way to pass volume options.
Enable debug information
docker plugin disable juicedata/juicefs:latest
docker plugin set juicedata/juicefs:latest DEBUG=1
docker plugin enable juicedata/juicefs:latest
To quickly test out HEAD version:
docker plugin disable juicedata/juicefs:latest
CC=/usr/bin/musl-gcc go build -o bin/docker-volume-juicefs --ldflags '-linkmode external -extldflags "-static"' .
mv bin/docker-volume-juicefs /var/lib/docker/plugins/3dea603741f58726d65b273d095f2bc01d1a1c8954a5498f5592041df8cdcd6c/rootfs
docker plugin enable juicedata/juicefs:latest
The stdout of the plugin is redirected to dockerd log. The entries have a plugin=<ID>
, the default docker container runtime can be used to collect juicefs log
# runc --root /run/docker/plugins/runtime-root/plugins.moby list
452d2c0cf3fd45e73a93a2f2b00d03ed28dd2bc0c58669cca9d4039e8866f99f 3672 running /run/docker/containerd/...
# runc --root /run/docker/plugins/runtime-root/plugins.moby exec 452d2c0cf3fd45e73a93a2f2b00d03ed28dd2bc0c58669cca9d4039e8866f99f cat /var/log/juicefs.log
umount: can't unmount /jfs/volumes/ci-aliyun: Invalid argument
Unable to connect to local syslog daemon
2018/05/07 13:56:19.752864 <INFO>: Cache dir: /var/jfsCache/ci-aliyun limit: 1024 MB
2018/05/07 13:56:19.756331 <INFO>: Found 0 cached blocks (0 bytes)
2018/05/07 13:56:20.913240 <INFO>: mount successfully, st_dev: 48
NOTE: the directory for plugin runtime could be moby-plugins
in some version of Docker.