A program to find all your accounts that are still active and you have forgotten about. This is a Jugend Hackt Project. Made by asqiir, claashi, wutchilli, numten.
- How to run the project
- How to use the website
- Install a server (apache2 recommended; there is an apache2 minimal edition within tomcat)
- Install a Java Servlet container (apache tomcat recommended)
- Deploy the most actual .war file in stable directory (look for highest version number)
Run the command sudo apt install default-jdk
Figure out which tomcat is the most actual version. Look for it on the official which-version site. The project is written in Java 8, so this Java version has to be supported.
Run the command sudo service install tomcat8 tomcat8-admin
(Replace 8 by the version number you prefer.)
Is tomcat started? Run service tomcat8 status
. If it shows you a status other than "Running" or "active" run sudo service tomcat8 start
If you want to stop tomcat after using this project, run sudo service tomcat8 stop
Visit the projects github repository. Move to the directory
. Download the file with the highest version number. -
Make yourself a tomcat manager.
Open the file /var/lib/tomcat8/conf/tomcat-users.xml
. (Directory can be different, but it will always be within the tomcat main folder.)
Add the following lines above the closing </tomcat-users>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<user username="your-name" password="your-password" roles="manager-gui"/>
- Visit the tomcat manager page.
Move to the tab
List Applications
. Scroll down untilDeploy > WAR file to deploy
. Select a war file. (The one you downloaded before.) Deploy it. (Using the "deploy"-button.)
- Open a browser
- Visit the sites url
- (Activate JavaScript and allow jQuery.)
- Type your username to the input field.
- Click on "Who knows me?"
- Enjoy the answer!
If you followed the "Deploy the .war file" tutorial…
Visit the manager page. Go to the "List Applications" tab. In the "Applications" table you will find a row whose Display Name is "WhoKnowsMe". Click on the URL in the first column.