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Releases: judoapp/judo-android


18 Feb 15:08
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Release Notes

  • Announcing the new Jetpack Compose-based renderer for experiences, resolving several long-standing issues and improving fidelity and performance.


30 Nov 20:35
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Release Notes

  • Remove Experience Syncing. While you can update to this version with no changes, you can simplify your Judo integration by removing the Sync-related integration points.

While the various integration points remain as no-ops, at your convenience you can remove the sync-specific integration steps:

  • Remove Judo.onFirebaseRemoteMessageReceived and Judo.setPushToken() from your Firebase Messaging Service.
  • Remove any custom Judo WorkManager workers you may have created, and also remove any code you have for enqueuing any Judo sync requests with WorkManager (usually done with PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder).
  • Remove any calls to Judo.performSync().

Note: To make your builds faster and simplify integration, releases of all Judo and Rover SDKs can now be found in a single Maven repository. Please replace any previous Judo or Rover Maven repositories in your build.gradle files with:

For example:

dependencies {
    // ...
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven {
	    // For all Judo and Rover SDKs
            url ""


04 Nov 15:35
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Release Notes

  • Resolve an issue with incorrectly ordered collections
  • Bump Coil version to 2.1 (aiding with compatibility for customers whom have adopted Coil 2.x)
  • Resolve an issue where embedded form were not focusable in webviews.

Note: To make your builds faster and simplify integration, releases of all Judo and Rover SDKs can now be found in a single Maven repository. Please replace any previous Judo or Rover maven repositories in your build.gradle files with: .

For example:

dependencies {
    // ...
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven {
	    // For all Judo and Rover SDKs
            url ""


31 Oct 23:33
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1.13.5 Pre-release

Release Notes

  • Prevent runaway CPU usage when displaying remotely loaded experiences.

Note: To make your builds faster and simplify integration, releases of all Judo and Rover SDKs can now be found in a single Maven repository. Please replace any previous Judo or Rover maven repositories in your build.gradle files with: .

For example:

dependencies {
    // ...
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven {
	    // For all Judo and Rover SDKs
            url ""


20 Oct 19:30
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1.13.4 Pre-release

Release Notes

  • Resolve an issue where build failures could occur when developers have their compileSdk set to less than 33.

Note: To make your builds faster and simplify integration, releases of all Judo and Rover SDKs can now be found in a single Maven repository. Please replace any previous Judo or Rover maven repositories in your build.gradle files with: .

For example:

dependencies {
    // ...
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven {
	    // For all Judo and Rover SDKs
            url ""


20 Oct 15:04
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1.13.3 Pre-release

Release Notes

  • Improve layout accuracy, particularly when stacks are nested within scroll containers
  • Removed unnecessary computation done in intrinsics flexibility sorting, causing a very significant performance improvement
  • Update dependency on Jetpack Compose’s UI component to 1.3.0, improving performance
  • Resolved an issue where nested scroll containers of the same axis would crash
  • Circular Progress indicator is no longer displayed when loading data sources. For now no loading indication is present (a redaction/placeholder effect will be added in a future release.)
  • Address issue where the device’s on screen keyboard would not appear when attempting to interact with text fields in a Web View
  • Resolve an issue where filters/conditionals would incorrectly match null values
  • Prevent multiple unnecessary loads of experiences, even when device is rotated
  • Remove incorrect shadow effect from images
  • Resolve an issue where shadows would incorrect apply to frames and padding
  • Improve shadow sizing
  • Resolve an issue where 0.5 decimal values would be rounded down to 0 instead of up to 1
  • Resolve an issue where thousands separators would be incorrectly added to values interpolated without numberFormat helper

Note: To make your builds faster and simplify integration, releases of all Judo and Rover SDKs can now be found in a single Maven repository. Please replace any previous Judo or Rover maven repositories in your build.gradle files with: .

For example:

dependencies {
    // ...
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven {
	   // For all Judo and Rover SDKs
            url ""


15 Sep 18:01
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1.13.2 Pre-release

Release Notes

Update to 1.0.2 of our Jetpack Compose-based experiences renderer:

  • Resolve an issue with Frames with a minimum size not expanding correctly
  • Improved layout correctness with multiple nested stacks with scroll containers
  • Resolve an encoding issue with WebViews with HTML snippets displaying blank
  • Resolved an issue where document colors would not appear in certain contexts
  • Add omitted padding around the Carousel Page Control.


30 Aug 13:47
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1.13.1 Pre-release

Release Notes

Update judo-compose experience renderer to 1.0.1.

  • Support for carousels with looping enabled
  • Improve several layout issues with stacks, backgrounds/overlays, and scroll containers
  • Update Exoplayer to latest (2.18.1)
  • Resolve an issue where global Coil configuration was mutated
  • Ensure that experiences loaded from deep links work correctly.


07 Aug 02:29
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1.13.0 Pre-release

Release Notes

  • This release introduces our new Jetpack Compose-based renderer for Experiences.


This release, while API-wise being a drop-in replacement, does bump quite a number of transitive Google dependencies.


24 Jun 13:22
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Release Notes

  • Mitigate a potential crash when measuring text in certain layouts