This application allows you to play with the Game of life of Conway. It is writen in Scala and Swing.
How to run
Run from sources To run from sources you need SBT. Just go to the main directory and execute the code with SBT:
sbt run
All the dependencies will be downloaded and the application will be launched.
Run from executable .jar An executable .jar file is generated according the version of the code. In the dist directory you can find all the jars generated according to the code level.
You just need to run as a common Java Jar.
java -jar <conways-game-of-life_[version].jar>
The .jar file includes all the dependencies.
How to use The application has a main grid of cells. The cells can have two states alive or dead. You can change their state clicking in the cell.
When you have a pattern you can start the generations of the cells. You can check the rules for alive or dead of the cells here.
The Start button will run the process to start the generation process. This process will stop when the user clicks on the Stop button.
The Clear button is just to initialize the grid with all cells in dead state.