go run backend/app/main.go run
- Run web server
go run backend/app/main.go kv set fkey value
- Set Value
go run backend/app/main.go kv get fkey
- Get Value
make run
make get key
make set key
Add to header key Access-Token
for authorization
When you execute run
command in output you see access token
Params onlyData
means it will be output only clear data without system information
Body type json:
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith"
- boltdb
cd pkg/utils
=> go mod init
in main go.mod
file add our module
require (
utils v1.0.0 // indirect
replace utils v1.0.0 => ./pkg/utils
run command go mod tidy
and get package in main project go get [email protected]