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Data Access Object

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Data Access Object is tiny wrapper on php PDO. There was add more comfortable methods usage conditions in select query.

PDO Usage

$db = new PDO(
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_NATURAL); 

$res = $db->query('SET NAMES utf8mb4');

if (!$res) {
    throw new Exception('Database connection error);

$db = DataAccessObject::factory($db);


$search = [
       'columnName'     => 5,
       'columnName2&IN' => [1, 2, 3, 4]
       'columnName3&<'  => 7,
       'columnName4&>=' => 3

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users";
$db->select($sql, $search, [], DataAccessObjectInterface::FETCH_ALL)->toNative();


key value result
- 'column = 5' column = 5
col&<action> 'item' col <action> 'item'
column 5 column = '5'
column null column IS NULL
column&IN 'val1, val2, val3' column IN ('val1', 'val2', 'val3')
column&IN array('val1', 'val2', 'val3') column IN ('val1', 'val2', 'val3')
column&NOT IN 'val1, val2, val3' column NOT IN ('val1', 'val2', 'val3')
column&NOT IN array('val1', 'val2', 'val3') column NOT IN ('val1', 'val2', 'val3')
sql_or array('col1 = 5', 'col2 = 8') ((col1 = 5 ) OR (col2 = 8))
sql_or array(array('col1' => 5), array('col2' => 8, 'col3' => 7)) ((col1 = 5) OR (col2 = 8 AND col3 = 7))
sql_and array('col1 = 5', 'col2 = 8') col1 = 5 AND col2 = 8
sql_and array(array('col1' => 5), array('col2' => 8, 'col3' => 7)) col1 = 5 AND col2 = 8 AND col3 = 7
something&or_sql array('col1 = 5', 'col2 = 8') (col1 = 5 OR col2 = 8)
col&or array('val1', array('col2' => 5, 'col3' => 8)) (col = 'val1' OR col2 = '5' OR col3 = '8')
col&or&>= array(7, array('col2' => 5, 'col3' => 8)) (col >= 7 OR col2 = '5' OR col3 = '8')
col&match 'something' MATCH (col) AGAINST ('something')
col&between array(3) "col" >= '3'
col&between array(1 => 7) "col" <= '7'
col&between array(3, 7) "col" BETWEEN '3' AND '7'
col&between '3 AND 7' "col" BETWEEN 3 AND 7
col&soundex 'val1' SOUNDEX(col) = SOUNDEX('val1')


make install

make start

make stop


php ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c ./tests/phpunit.xml --testdox --stderr --colors

make tests - run all tests with migrations

make run-tests - run all tests without migrations