Pong with output to VGA display, written in VHDL for implementation on nexys a7 dev board (part no. xc7a100tcsg324-1), built in vivado 2023.2
- Open git bash, consider $origin_dir as the root directory of the repo
source $origin_dir/scripts/build_project.tcl
- Open Vivado 2023.2 GUI
- Click Tools > Run Tcl Script...
- Select $origin_dir/scripts/build_project.tcl
Controlling up/down movement of the left paddle with push buttons on the dev board, CPU right paddle just tracks ball vertical position
Logic for control/output of game elements is mostly in hdl/pong_game_logic.vhd
- Simulation with verilator and vivado sim/modelsim
- Try different methods of pseudo-randomizing the initial ball position/velocity
- Change ball velocity when hitting P1 or CPU paddle
- CPU difficulty modes
- Win/Loss record
- Visual/audio cues & effects
- Further comments on time sync done for some of the VGA related signals in top file
- Logic walkthrough/state diagrams for hdl/pong_game_logic