I am an economist, self-taught programmer, BI lead, author, lecturer and maintainer of several R packages. I enjoy programming, writing and teaching. Focus of my work is on making complex things more accessible.
My GitHub presence mainly features the R packages I have developed over the last couple of years. They broadly fall into the following categories:
- Statistical methods and teaching (packages
) - Data import and export (packages
) - Working more efficiently with R (packages
) - Enhancing the R language (packages
) - Shiny (
Apart from the R packages you'll find:
: A market simulation tool for my economics students (Python plus streamlit)openai_assistant
: A simple information revtrieval/RAG assistant based on OpenAI's Assistant API (see publication below)covid-19
: Some R work I did to analyze the Covid-19 situation in Germany and get reliable und unbiased information beyond what media published
- Working on the first edition of my new book "Programmieren mit ChatGPT" (Programming with ChatGPT", in German) (publisher: Springer)
- Revising the second edition of my Python programming book
- Experimenting with AI, mainly with OpenAI's API, but also with open-source models from time to time
- Working on a market simulation tool based on Python and streamlit, mainly for the students of my lectures (you can access the code here: https://github.com/jsugarelli/market, the app here: https://market-simulator.streamlit.app/)
- Giving lectures in economics at Hochschule München
- Learn coding with Python and JavaScript: A practical introduction for beginners, Springer (https://www.amazon.de/dp/3658429119/)
- Mikroökonomik: Endlich verständlich erklärt (Mircoeconomics: Comprehensibly explained), Springer (https://www.amazon.de/dp/365838199X/)
- Programmieren lernen mit Python und JavaScript: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung für Einsteiger (Learn coding with Python and JavaScript: A practical introduction for beginners), Springer (https://www.amazon.de/dp/3658298499/)
- Statistik mit R: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung (Statistics with R: A practical introduction), O'Reilly (https://www.amazon.de/dp/3960090447/)
- Entwicklung eines KI-Assistenten mit der OpenAI Assistant API (Developing an AI assistant using OpenAI's Assistant API), Informatik Aktuell https://www.informatik-aktuell.de/betrieb/kuenstliche-intelligenz/entwicklung-eines-ki-assistenten-mit-der-openai-assistant-api.html
- R-Packages entwickeln (Developing R Packages), Informatik Aktuell, https://www.informatik-aktuell.de/entwicklung/programmiersprachen/r-packages-entwickeln.html
- Was ist R? (What is R?), Informatik Aktuell https://www.informatik-aktuell.de/entwicklung/programmiersprachen/was-ist-r.html
- A new method for quantification of qualitative expectations, Economics and Business Letters, https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/EBL/article/view/10867
but also from time to time
Generally, I like to try out new (or old?) things (ever written something in FORTH?)
For the tool freaks out there: My editor/IDE choice is quite language-dependent. I work mainly in R Studio (for R), Visual Studio Code (for Python) and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (for T-SQL). I also use Sublime Text (mainly for JavaScript, Perl and PHP code). To organize everything I work with Microsoft To Do and Microsoft OneNote (my second brain, absolutely indispensable). And most importantly for efficiency and avoidance of frictions: I use the same tools at home and in my job.
I run the Topics in R blog which I mainly use for announcements (new packages, articles, books) and which also feeds into RBloggers. Here are the most recent posts (at least the major ones):
- Converting XML data to R dataframes with xmlconvert
- Pointers/shortcuts in R with the 'pointr' package
- The 'xml2relational' package: Transforming NoSQL to relational data
- A switch-case construct for the R language
- Finding CRAN packages right from the R console
I try to keep away from social media (Github != social_media
) to protect my time and be more productive, but I do use Twitter. If you want to receive the latest updates on my packages and learn about interesting things I come across, click @jsugarelli to follow. I am also on LinkdedIn, but post rarely.