- JDK 11
- Maven 3.6.0
- Docker 1.19+
By default, uml diagrams are generated by the build setup and stored at the root diagrams directory.
Generate the graphvis dot files to pdf by the command:
find . -type f -name "*.dot" -exec sh -c 'dot -Tpdf "${0}" -o "${0%.*}.pdf"' {} \;
mvn clean install -T 1C -DskipTests
source setup_environment_variables.sh
docker-compose -f service/docker-compose.yaml up --build --force-recreate
source setup_environment_variables.sh
mvn clean install -T 1C
Prepare the environment with 'secret' environment variables.
source setup_environment_variables.sh
source setup_docker_environment.sh
source setup_kubernetes_environment.sh
mvn verify -Pintegrationtests
Load the src/main/resources/schema/OpenBankAPIv1.yaml file with the http://editor.swagger.io/ editor to easily test the RESTful contracts.
Following commands was used:
# Generate private key and private csr file
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout jsquad.key -out jsquad.csr
# Generate self signed key
openssl x509 -signkey jsquad.key -in jsquad.csr -req -days 365 -out jsquad.crt
# Generate PKCS12 key
openssl pkcs12 -inkey jsquad.key -in jsquad.crt -export -out jsquad.pfx
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore jsquad.pfx -destkeystore jsquad.jks -srcstoretype PKCS12 -deststoretype JKS \
-srcstorepass \<secret password\> -deststorepass test1234 -destkeypass test1234