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The ngMyo module allows you to use a Myo armband in desktop front end apps using angular. It uses the thalmic lab Myo websocket api.

NgMyo calculate the roll/pitch/yaw for you ( which is easier to use than raw data.

An example of ngMyo use :


Using bower :

bower install ng-myo --save

Otherwise : Get the last version of dist/ngMyo.js and include it to your application.

How to use it

In your app.js

angular.module('myAppModule', [

In your controller

function MyController(Myo) {
    Myo.on('fist', function() {
        //do whatever you want on fist pose

angular.module('myAppModule').controller(['Myo', MyController]);



Object and service

name description
MyoDevice Representation of a myo armband device. Expose methods (see documentation below)
Myo Angular service. It is the starting point that allows to configure and use ngMyo


Myo (service) methods
name arguments description
getDevice myoId:Integer Get the MyoDevice associated with provided id
getEventsForDevice myoId:Integer Get the Map of registered callbacks for the MyoDevice. Map key : event String, value : Array of callback functions
getOptions none Get the options. See Myo options below
on event:String, callback:Function, myoId:Integer(Optional) Register a callback function that will be triggered when the event is triggered (see Myo events below).
The myoId is optional. If provided, the callback will be attach to the designated MyoDevice, if not, it will be attached to the device 0.
This method must be called before start(), otherwise the callback will not be taken into account.
start options:Object(Optional) Last function to call. It will connect to the websocket and register the MyoDevices.
The options are optionals. If undefined, ngMyo will take default values (see Myo options below)
Myo events
name description Callback function arguments
orientation The user moves his arm. device:MyoDevice, data:{accelerometer,gyroscope,orientation,rpy,rpyDiff}
  • data.accelerometer: x,y,z - acceleration in G unit
  • data.gyroscope: x,y,z - movement in rad/sec
  • data.orientation: x,y,z,w - quaternion
  • data.rpy: roll, pitch, yaw - calculated if the useRollPitchYaw option (see Myo Options below) is true.
  • data.rpyDiff: roll, pitch, yaw - calculated diff if offset is defined in MyoDevice (see MyoDevice)
pose The user executes a pose : 'thumb_to_pinky', 'fingers_spread', 'wave_in', 'wave_out', 'fist'. These values must be passed to Myo.on. Do not pass 'pose' to register a callback. device:MyoDevice
arm_recognized (api 1) or arm_synced (api 2) The user performs the arm recognized movement device:MyoDevice
arm_lost (api 1) or arm_unsynced (api 2) The armband has lost the arm recognition device:MyoDevice
Myo Options
name description Default value
wsUrl (since 0.2.0) String. The websocket url. ws://
apiVersion (since 0.2.0) Integer. The api version used in full websocket url. 2
timeBeforeReconnect Integer. The number of milliseconds before reconnection when ngMyo lose websocket connection 3000
autoApply Boolean. If true, ngMyo will trigger a safe digest at the end of websocket open and close, and at the end of each event true
skipOneOrientationEvery Integer. The Myo armband trigger an orientation event every 20ms (on average). Depending on the callbacks, this can lead to performance issues. This option allows you to skip one event every {option} triggered event. 2 (skip half of the events)
useRollPitchYaw Boolean. If true, ngMyo will calculate roll/pitch/yaw and pass them to the orientation callback functions true
rollPitchYawScale Integer. Scale for roll/pitch/yaw. Each value will be between 0 and {option}. 18
broadcastOnConnected Boolean. If ngMyo should broadcast ('ngMyoConnected', myoId) on device connection true
broadcastOnDisconnected Boolean. If ngMyo should broadcast ('ngMyoDisconnected', myoId) on device disconnection true
broadcastOnLockUnlock Boolean. If ngMyo should broadcast ('ngMyoLock'/'ngMyoUnlock', myoId) on device lock/unlock true
lockUnlockPose String. Pose that will be used for lock/unlock device only. The registered callbacks for this pose event won't be triggered 'thumb_to_pinky'
lockUnlockPoseTime Integer. The number of milliseconds that the user must execute du lockUnlockPoseTime to lock/unlock the device 500
poseTime Integer. The number of milliseconds that the user must execute the pose to trigger the callbacks. This option limits the number of accidental pose. 250
Myo device methods
name arguments description
incrementOrientationRequest none This will return the current orientation request number and increment it internally. This is used by Myo service to test if orientation event should be skipped (see Myo options - skipOneOrientationEvery)
lock none Lock the device and execute Myo armband short vibration twice. No event callback will be triggered until anymore until device unlock.
unlock none Unlock the device and execute Myo armband medium vibration.
lockOrUnlock none Call lock() if device is unlocked, unlock() otherwise
isLocked none Test if the device is locked
vibrate intensity:String(Optional) Vibrate Myo armband with the provided intensity. The intensity must be 'short', 'medium' or 'long'. If not provided, the default value (medium) is used
rpyOffset rpy:Object(Optional) Getter (if rpy is not defined) and setter (if rpy is defined). Get/set the roll/pitch/yaw offset. rpy must contains 'roll', 'pitch' and 'yaw integer attributes. The rpyDiff will be calculated at each orientation event.
setLastRpyAsOffset none Use last captured roll/pitch/yaw as offset. The rpyDiff will be calculated at each orientation event.
clearRpyOffset none Clear the roll/pitch/yaw offset. The rpyDiff will not be calculated anymore.
direction none Get the Myo armband direction. 1 if x_direction is toward_wrist, -1 if x_direction is toward_elbow
onOrientation data:Object, rpy:Object, rpyDiff:Object Trigger all 'orientation' callbacks with the provided values. Data must contains accelerometer, gyroscope and orientation. Rpy is the roll/pitch/yaw object. RpyDiff is the calculated roll/pitch/yaw diff.
onArmRecognized data:Object Set the direction using data.x_direction, and trigger all the 'arm_recongnized' callbacks
onArmLost none Trigger all the 'arm_lost' callbacks
onPose data:Object Trigger all the data.pose callbacks. Data.pose must be ont of the Myo pose : 'thumb_to_pinky', 'fingers_spread', 'wave_in', 'wave_out', 'fist'

Change log

0.2.0 : Firmware 1.0.3 support

Arm_recognized and arm_lost become arm_synced and arm_unsynced. The first 2 ones are still supported Api version is now on version 2. The websocket url has changed. By default, ngMyo will connect to api 2. NgMyo options: add websocket url and api version.


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