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This is a command-line tool to create table of contents from markdown files.

1. Installation

pip install markdown-toc-creator

2. Usage

In the markdown files that you would like to generate tables of contents, put this placeholder at where you would like to the table of contents to go:



And then run this command:

markdown-toc-creator <PATH_TO_FOLDER_OR_FILE>

A table of contents will be put between <!--TOC-->.

Or, to use it as a pre-commit hook, add this into your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

  - repo:
      - id: markdown-toc-creator

3. Configuration options

3.1. --style

Pick between "gitlab" or "github" (default).

3.2. --exclude

Regex of file/folder name patterns to exclude, default: '\.git|\.tox|\.pytest_cache'

3.3. --in-place

Whether to actually add the table of contents into the original markdown file. Default: True.

3.4. --quiet (or -q)

If True, the generated table of contents will not be printed to the terminal. Default: False.

3.5. --skip-first-n-lines

How many lines of the markdown file (starting from the top) to skip. This is useful because usually the initial line of markdown file is H1 (header level 1, with a #), and we don't want it to be included in the table of content.