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One big repository containing most OpenSource projects created by cedarsoft GmbH

Projects contained in this repository

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Release Notes

9.0.0 (2022-02-10)

  • Convert
  • JavaFX Utils updates
  • Dependencies updates
  • Units is now a multi platform project

8.9.3 (2019-08-02)

  • Update serializers group ids
  • Dependencies updates

8.9.2 (2019-07-22)

  • Rerelease with updated gradle dependencies

8.9.1 (2019-07-22)

  • Java FX:
    • additional Swing bindings
  • Release build with gradle now

8.9.0 (2019-07-16)

  • Swing with JavaFX properties: Bindings for background and foreground
  • JavaFX:
    • Formatter improved
    • Progress indicator bar
    • Improve bidirectional bindings
    • RoundedAxisTickCaluculator added
    • Canvas Holder improvements
  • Dependcy updates (especially Kotlin to 1.3.40)
  • Kotlin:
    • introduced GuardedProperty
    • CoAsync: Async with Kotlin Coroutines
    • Improved test utilities
    • Serializers module added for kotlinx.serialization
    • KotlinAwait implemented
  • Serialization
    • additional serializers for default classes added
  • Test-Utils
    • Updated / fixed Json helper

8.8.0 (2019-03-19)

  • Swing with JavaFX properties: Additional bindings
  • Kotlin FX: Additional extension methods (e.g. properties access)
    • Rounded number axis

8.8.0 (2018-03-09)

  • Instrumentation plugin: Updated for Java 11
  • Swing: Bindings to JavaFX Properties
  • Kotlin:
    • extension methods for Guava
    • concurrent-kotlin: GuardedByLock
  • TornadoFX: Commons module
  • JavaFX: Extension methods
  • Commons REST: Jackson configuration and common models

8.7.0 (2018-11-06)

  • Update dependencies
  • Convert all tests to JUnit 5
  • Prepare for JDK 11 update
  • add JavaFX utils
    • 3D support
    • util classes
  • introduce dependency-sets
  • cleanup Kotlin dependencies
  • Add a lot of extension methods for Kotlin
    • guava
    • tornadofx
    • JavaFX

8.5.2 (2018-06-21)

  • Convert a lot of code to Kotlin
  • Update dependencies

8.5.1 (2018-02-01)


  • Fix release problem (8.5.0 had invalid parent versions)

8.5.0 (2018-02-01)


  • Upgrade Kotlin to 1.2.0
  • add -parameters to compiler
  • Updated jgitver
  • Updated dependencies and plugins


  • Improve instrumentation plugin: Add SYNTETHIC keyword to generated assertion field

8.4.0 (2017-11-24)


  • Fix package name for guava extension methods
  • X509Support handles expired certificates correctly


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Use dokka to generate documentation (instead of javadoc maven plugin)
  • Add Kluent dependency
  • Add Kotlin Guice extension methods
  • Convert more tests to JUnit 5
  • New annotations: @Sorted
  • JavaFX
    • add exception handler with JavaFX base dialog
    • add balloon basics
    • add Kotlin extension methods

8.3.1 (2017-07-15)


  • JsonUtils: Fix exception type: Use org.junit.ComparisonFailure to allow IDE to show diff
  • LazyField uses Kotlin lazy()

8.3.0 (2017-07-10)


  • Upgrade to JUnit 5
    • Convert rules to extensions
    • add Temporary Folder extension
  • Kotlin
    • Add Kotlin Maven plugin
    • Convert a lot of classes to Kotlin
    • Some Guava extension methods
  • Java Compiler: add parameter names


  • Update Travic CI configuration to use latest JDK 8
  • Update license headers
  • Update version numbers for third party dependencies

8.2.1 (2017-06-10)


  • Dependencies
    • new dependency: three-ten-extra
    • use newer Apache Commons artifact IDs
  • add FxAsync: JavaFX implementation of the SwingAsync class
  • add time module
    • DateUtils with duration formatting stuff
  • Serialization
    • add duration serializer

8.2.0 (2017-05-27)


  • Dependency Injection
    • introduce CachingProvider
  • ApplicationHomeAccess#createTemporaryHomeAccess() for unit testing
  • Swing
    • JGoodies: add Validating Component
    • Dialogs: Improve borders
    • Fonts: add strike through font
  • Serialization
    • Common Jackson serializers: Add serializer for java.time types
  • Dependencies
    • add Jackson databinding dependencies
  • Version: add valueOf() method with parameter suffix


  • Using charset for string/file access in several places
  • CodeStyle
    • use @Immutable from ErrorProne compiler
    • avoiding a lot of compiler warnings
    • replace deprecated methods/classes
  • Delete a lot of unused / old code and modules

8.1.1 (2017-05-04)

  • Use project version for plugins
  • Swing
    • SwingHelper: Return only existing frame if no frame is focused
    • Add busy icon to AbstractDialog
    • Exception Handler: Add support for TypeHandlers
  • Update dependencies to latest version
    • add dep for XZ compression

8.1.0 (2017-05-04)

  • JGoodies related classes:

    • IconFeedbackPanel
    • ComponentFactory
  • delete Os* classes

  • OptionDialog

    • improve radio dialog
    • add combo box version
  • Serialization

    • Jackson
      • add UUID Serializer
    • Stax
      • Remove JSON support (use Jackson instead)
  • New sub projects

    • Photos
    • OSGI validator maven plugin
    • Instrumentation maven plugin
    • Business
  • Use error prone compiler

    • Use @Immutable class from error prone compiler

8.0.1 (2017-03-24)

  • Using logback for logging
  • Version number in dependency management can be overridden in a property:
  • add FileUtils
  • add ExceptionHandling classes
  • rename Application to ApplicationInformation
  • introduce @Application
  • add MemoryLeakWorkarounds
  • add Swing related utility classes
  • add CJideSplitPane
  • add OptionDialog
  • add SimpleSwingWorker
  • add build number plugin

8.0.0 (2017-03-03)

  • First release for mono repo containing several sub modules:
    • annotations
    • unit
    • commons
    • serialization
  • travis integration
  • Fix ThreadRule - avoids IllegalArgumentException in some corner cases