- docker-compose
- aiohttp
- mypy
- pytest
- flake8
- trafaret
- docker-compose
- aio devtools
- aiohttp debug toolbar
- postgres
- alembic
- aiopg
- sqlAlchemy
All develop settings for application are in the /config/api.dev.yml
To start the project in develop mode, run the following command:
make run
or just
For stop work of docker containers use:
make stop
For clean up work of docker containers use:
make clean
Interactive work inside container
make bash # the command must be running after `make run`
For generate sphinx docs
make doc
To run flake8, run the following command:
make lint
The all settings connected with a flake8
you can customize in .flake8
To run mypy for type checking run the following command:
make mypy
The all settings connected with a mypy
you can customize in mypy.ini
make test
Management of database (postgres) migrations takes place with the help of alembic.
Create new migration (new file in poster/migrations/versions/
make migrations # the command must be running after `make run`
Apply migrations:
make migrate # the command must be running after `make run`
If u wanna create new file with tables u should import tables to poster/migrations/env.py
import poster.users.tables # import new files here
If u need to make downgrade or other special things with alembic, use make bash
for penetration inside the container and run native alembic's commands.
make bash
alembic downgrade -1
To connect to postgres, use the command below
make psql # the command must be running after `make run`
All production settings for application are in the /config/api.prod.yml
The production and develop containers have a little bit different and all that different describe in docker-compose.production.yml. This is works with the command bellow:
make production
for more information docs.
- python3.7