Esphome component for communication with ABL Wallbox eMH1
This is a very basic EspHome component for use with the ABL eMH1 wallbox.
It reads the current on 3 phases and allows you to set the max current. There is also a switch to enable/disable the charger.
Some more output (like the serial number) is available in hidden entities.
- ESP-wroom 32 (esp32dev)
- ESP GPIO pin 5 is flow-control
- SN75176 to convert serial to RS485
- 5V Din-rail power supply (optional, you can also get 12v power from conn X10 and convert that to 5V)
- Esp Ground connected to the GND pin from connector X10 on the ABL eMH1 circuit board. This helps avoiding noise on the RS485.
- RJ45 plug: pin 1 and 2 connected to SN75176, no other pins connected
Check out this thread on the Home Assistant community forum:
Using this component requires you to connect consumer electronics inside your ABL eMH1 Wallbox. There's also ~380V in that box, so please make sure you know what your doing.
This code was tested by trail and error, it might blow a fuse or two. Connecting this to your electricity network and your car is your own responsibility.