This is a TFTP implementation. This implementation only runs on UNIX systems.
The project is structured into 3 major packages:
- Client: control flow for TFTP client and user interaction functionality
- Server: control flow for TFTP server and basic connection establishment
- Shared: packet manipulation, data flow, file manipulation and utils that are used by both server and client
For each new client connection, the server opens a new thread to handle the file transfer, while the main thread remains available to listen for new requests.
basic functionality for TFTP
- send files of any kind (e.g. .txt, .PNG) to server directory
- receive files of any kind from server to client directory
- supported sending modes (mail is deprecated):
- netascii: converts requested file to netascii format for sending and converts it to local after receiving
- octet: sends bytes of file as read in by file descriptor
- make
- cd to Server/
- execute ./server_appl <server-ip>
--- make sure to be in admin mode for this (bindinig to port 69)
--- the server-IP is optional, the default value is - cd to Client/
- execute ./client_appl <server-ip>
--- the server-IP is optional, the default value is - follow instructions on ./client_appl console
- TFTP functionality
- RRQ and WRQ in both octet and netascii mode
- server can handle Requests from multiple clients at once
- last packet has 512 bytes data thus another 0 data byte packet is sent
- correct handling of errors like
- requesting missing file from server
- exceeding maximum timeouts
- verification with third party tftp tools
- server was tested atftp
- client was tested with the solar winds tftp server
- data sending over LAN