SE329 Group 3 Project
To Add to this Project:
Clone the project to your computer
- You will now have a new directory that contains a .git file
If using Terminal:
- git checkout master (Make sure you are on the Master Branch)
- git pull (This pulls down any of the latest changes if any)
- git checkout -b dev/YOUR_BRANCH_NAME (This allows a new branch to be created that only you work on)
When done writing code
- git add . or git add --all . (Adds all added/modified files or all added/modified/deleted files)
- git commit (Throws the commit into VI/Nano, use 'I' to insert a commit message, then hit 'ESC', then Save it ':wq') (Git knows once the file is saved what to do with it, dont' need to go look for it)
- git push (This pushes your local commit to the remote (In this case GitHub's urls)) (If it asks to set-upstream, usually just copying and pasting its example will be enough to set the remote)
Helpful tips:
- git branch (Shows you what branch you are on and which ones you have locally)
- git status (Shows any changes or status of the branch)