Package visa wraps National Instruments VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) driver. The driver allows a client application to communicate with most instrumentation buses including GPIB, USB, Serial, and Ethernet. The Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) is a standard for configuring, programming, and troubleshooting instrumentation systems comprising GPIB, VXI, PXI, serial (RS232/RS485), Ethernet/LXI, and/or USB interfaces.
The package is low level and, for the most part, is one-to-one with the exported C functions it wraps. Clients would typically build an instrument specific driver around the package but it can also be used directly.
[NI-VISA Overview] (
Supported Platforms:
- Linux
- OS X
- Windows
- Go tools
- [NI-VISA] (
- [git] (
All functions in libvisa are accessible from the visagit package:
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
See the examples folder:
go run FindRsrc.go
Additional dependencies to build the visa wrapper
An example Windows build:
- install Go
- install the latest NI Visa drivers
- install a 64 bit GCC via mingw-w64 and put mingw-w64's bin folder in your PATH
- open a Windows shell and run> go get -d
- copy C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\VISA\Win64\Lib_x64\msc\visa64.lib to the same folder as the visa package source files
- open a Windows shell in the visa package folder
- run> go build -o %GOPATH%/pkg/windows_amd64/ -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -static" visa.go exports.go defs.go
- cd to examples and run> go run FindRsrc.go