isySUR is a tool to automatically compute the area of application for space usage rules (SURs). This was developed as part of the informatiCup 2015. We would appreciate if you would give us some feedback if this is useful for you. The Data directory contains the testdata that was provided by the competition. We were also povided with images of the SUR signs but they were not used in this program. All provided data can be found here: http://informaticup.gi.de/fileadmin/testdaten-sur-20102014.zip
isySUR is a Python script that computes the sphere of influence of space usage rules which coordinates are given. It comes with a Python package with several tools.
For the command line version type: $ python run_isySUR.py cli {inPath} {outPath}
For the GUI version type: $ python run_isySUR.py gui When GUI could not be loaded, command line version is used.
When just tiping $ python run_isySUR.py the GUI version is used as default.
For more information about optional and required parameters (cli/gui, inPath, outPath) check the help parameter (-h) or the manual.
Requirements for command line version:
- Python 2.7
- requests (HTTP library)
- internet connection
Further requirements for the GUI verson:
- futures
- Kivy (http://kivy.org)
Because isySUR is in Python you do not need to make an installation. Just browse into the directory and call the script run_isySUR.py with Python.
For installation you also use Python: $ python setup.py install Afterwards you can call run_isySUR.py from every directory you want and can import the isySUR package in your own projects.
For information about the requirements, the installation and usage of the GUI version and implementation details see manual in doc/manual.pdf.
- Adriana-Victoria Dreyer [email protected]
- Jacqueline Hemminghaus [email protected]
- Jan Pöppel [email protected]
- Thorsten Schodde [email protected]