Sua provides Swift users with a new set of core libraries that mostly depend on Glibc. The work on this project started on Ubuntu/Linux, but it could also be made to work on OSX by depending on Darwin there.
The idea for this project started as an experiment to see how viable using Swift under Linux would be. And the results have shown that it is plenty viable. This project has quickly garnered many important classes that help with dealing with files, directories, time, some parsing, some more IO, and on we go!
By starting anew, we get to pick some new API names that are shorter and sweeter.
News - January 22, 2016
Added a ton of Glob and file path related tools. Also added some more parsing related classes in ByteMatcher, Lexer, GlobLexer, String#utf16#endsWith and so on.
News - January 13, 2016
Great news! With the Momentum web server, and a handful of supporting classes like HeaderParser, BodyParser, Template.supplant, CSVTable, we have found a use for many APIs. It helped to put to use some of the earlier APIs, with many of them being refactored as they started to mature.
News - December 30, 2015
We have added the LICENSE.txt file and took the opportunity to rename the project to just Sua from Sua Swift. The reason for the change is to avoid using the trademarkable name Swift in the name of the project itself. It may help us to comply with the Swift license itself too.
News - December 29, 2015
I am so happy that we now have a Time class as well. It took quite a bit of work to get it off the ground. But the results have been pretty good so far. The Time class is like our own version of the DateTime class in other languages. And it has a shorter name to boot! And lots of shortcut features!
News - December 25, 2015
While this project is still in an experimental phase, it has started to become more useful with classes like FileBrowser, RNG, File, ByteStream, Stopwatch, etc.
We still miss a class for dealing with DateTime. And that's a big miss. But I consider this project to be worth of a version number like 0.1 at least. In my own repository I have a tag for it of 0.3.3 which coming from 0.0.1 seems like a lot of ground covered.
Swift has recently been released as open source and is supported on Ubuntu. But it seems as though that the main APIs are still too heavily dependent on OSX, even if there are signs that they may be reimplementing many of the APIs on Swift itself and they may be more portable then.
While Swift may come with standard libraries, the fact that Swift has great support for calling C libraries directly means that it is easy to experiment with new libraries and APIs for Swift. The combination of Swift + Linux will be explored for many years to come and it may give rise to many such libraries, until a major project based on them takes over the scene.
With Sua Swift, I start on that path for leaner APIs for Swift. The examples that I come up with may help to document Swift further, if anything.
Sua is a Portuguese word that means "yours". Sua Swift means "your Swift". It also is a play on how both words are pronounced, both beginning with about the same sound. Sua also resembles another programming word in Portuguese that is well known, "Lua" of the Lua programming language fame.
Given how short the Sua word is, it could also be used as a prefix in some words to help to avoid name conflicts with more standard APIs.
See the LICENSE.txt file.
- Hexastyle
- Glob and File Path
- Environment
- Momentum
- ServerSocket
- Time
- File Browser
- String Extensions
- Data Types
- December 11, 2015
- Joao Pedrosa - joaopedrosa at