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Arachnae is a simple React component library. It uses Flow for typing and Aphrodite for style management.


A NPM package is hosted on the Github package repository. To install this package:

  1. Create a Github Personal Access Token,
    • It is recommended you use an access token with only read package access
  2. Update your .npmrc file:
    1. Add your token to authenticate to the Github registry, //
    2. Add @jpbarela:registry=
  3. You can now use your node package manager to add @jpbarela/arachnae

The repo also uses a theme extensively. You should wrap the components in a react-jss, ThemeProvider component. There is a Flow ThemeType exported for type consistence.


Arachanae comes with a (Storybook)[] that can be used for local development or to view the components for use in another project. To start the Storybook simply use

npm run storybook


The primary tests for the repository are Jest tests using the testing-library framework. You can run the tests with

npm run test