Releases: jpadilla/pyjwt
Releases · jpadilla/pyjwt
- Allow claims validation without making JWT signature validation mandatory. #608
- Remove padding from JWK test data. #628
- Make
mandatory in JWK to be compliant with RFC7517. #624 - Allow JWK without
to be compliant with RFC7517. #624 - Allow to verify with private key on ECAlgorithm, as well as on Ed25519Algorithm. #645
Introduce better experience for JWKs
Introduce PyJWK
, PyJWKSet
, and PyJWKClient
import jwt
from jwt import PyJWKClient
token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5FRTFRVVJCT1RNNE16STVSa0ZETlRZeE9UVTFNRGcyT0Rnd1EwVXpNVGsxUWpZeVJrUkZRdyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2Rldi04N2V2eDlydS5hdXRoMC5jb20vIiwic3ViIjoiYVc0Q2NhNzl4UmVMV1V6MGFFMkg2a0QwTzNjWEJWdENAY2xpZW50cyIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZXhwZW5zZXMtYXBpIiwiaWF0IjoxNTcyMDA2OTU0LCJleHAiOjE1NzIwMDY5NjQsImF6cCI6ImFXNENjYTc5eFJlTFdVejBhRTJINmtEME8zY1hCVnRDIiwiZ3R5IjoiY2xpZW50LWNyZWRlbnRpYWxzIn0.PUxE7xn52aTCohGiWoSdMBZGiYAHwE5FYie0Y1qUT68IHSTXwXVd6hn02HTah6epvHHVKA2FqcFZ4GGv5VTHEvYpeggiiZMgbxFrmTEY0csL6VNkX1eaJGcuehwQCRBKRLL3zKmA5IKGy5GeUnIbpPHLHDxr-GXvgFzsdsyWlVQvPX2xjeaQ217r2PtxDeqjlf66UYl6oY6AqNS8DH3iryCvIfCcybRZkc_hdy-6ZMoKT6Piijvk_aXdm7-QQqKJFHLuEqrVSOuBqqiNfVrG27QzAPuPOxvfXTVLXL2jek5meH6n-VWgrBdoMFH93QEszEDowDAEhQPHVs0xj7SIzA"
url = ""
jwks_client = PyJWKClient(url)
signing_key = jwks_client.get_signing_key_from_jwt(token)
data = jwt.decode(
options={"verify_exp": False},
Support for JWKs containing ECDSA keys
Drop support for Python 2
Require cryptography >= 3
Drop support for PyCrypto and ECDSA
We've kept this around for a long time, mostly for environments that didn't allow installing cryptography.
Drop CLI
Dropped the included cli entry point.
Improve typings
We no longer need to use mypy Python 2 compatibility mode (comments)
Add support for Ed25519 / EdDSA
- Add PyPy3 to the test matrix (#550) by @jdufresne
- Require tweak (#280) by @psafont
- Decode return type is dict[str, Any] (#393) by @jacopofar
- Fix linter error in test_cli (#414) by @jaraco
- Run mypy with tox (#421) by @jpadilla
- Document (and prefer) pyjwt[crypto] req format (#426) by @gthb
- Correct type for json_encoder argument (#438) by @jdufresne
- Prefer https:// links where available (#439) by @jdufresne
- Pass python_requires argument to setuptools (#440) by @jdufresne
- Rename [wheel] section to [bdist_wheel] as the former is legacy (#441) by @jdufresne
- Remove test command in favor of pytest and tox (#442) by @jdufresne
- Fix mypy errors (#449) by @jpadilla
- DX Tweaks (#450) by @jpadilla
- Add support of python 3.8 (#452) by @Djailla
- Fix 406 (#454) by @justinbaur
- Add support for Ed25519 / EdDSA, with unit tests (#455) by @Someguy123
- Remove Python 2.7 compatibility (#457) by @Djailla
- Fix simple typo: encododed -> encoded (#462) by @timgates42
- Enhance tracebacks. (#477) by @JulienPalard
- Simplify
(#478) by @michael-k - Document top-level .encode and .decode to close #459 (#482) by @dimaqq
- Improve documentation for audience usage (#484) by @CorreyL
- Correct README on how to run tests locally (#489) by @jdufresne
- Fix
tox -e lint
warnings and errors (#490) by @jdufresne - Run pyupgrade across project to use modern Python 3 conventions (#491) by @jdufresne
- Add Python-3-only trove classifier and remove "universal" from wheel (#492) by @jdufresne
- Emit warnings about user code, not pyjwt code (#494) by @mgedmin
- Move setup information to declarative setup.cfg (#495) by @jdufresne
- CLI options for verifying audience and issuer (#496) by @GeoffRichards
- Specify the target Python version for mypy (#497) by @jdufresne
- Remove unnecessary compatibility shims for Python 2 (#498) by @jdufresne
- Setup GH Actions (#499) by @jpadilla
- Implementation of ECAlgorithm.from_jwk (#500) by @jpadilla
- Remove cli entry point (#501) by @jpadilla
- Expose InvalidKeyError on jwt module (#503) by @russellcardullo
- Avoid loading token twice in pyjwt.decode (#506) by @CaselIT
- Default links to stable version of documentation (#508) by @salcedo
- Update badges (#510) by @jpadilla
- Introduce better experience for JWKs (#511) by @jpadilla
- Fix tox conditional extras (#512) by @jpadilla
- Return tokens as string not bytes (#513) by @jpadilla
- Drop support for legacy contrib algorithms (#514) by @jpadilla
- Drop deprecation warnings (#515) by @jpadilla
- Update Auth0 sponsorship link (#519) by @Sambego
- Update return type for jwt.encode (#521) by @moomoolive
- Run tests against Python 3.9 and add trove classifier (#522) by @michael-k
- Removed redundant
(#523) by @rohitkg98 - Documents how to use private keys with passphrases (#525) by @rayluo
- Update version to 2.0.0a1 (#528) by @jpadilla
- Fix usage example (#530) by @nijel
- add EdDSA to docs (#531) by @CircleOnCircles
- Remove support for EOL Python 3.5 (#532) by @jdufresne
- Upgrade to isort 5 and adjust configurations (#533) by @jdufresne
- Remove unused argument "verify" from PyJWS.decode() (#534) by @jdufresne
- Update typing syntax and usage for Python 3.6+ (#535) by @jdufresne
- Run pyupgrade to simplify code and use Python 3.6 syntax (#536) by @jdufresne
- Drop unknown pytest config option: strict (#537) by @jdufresne
- Upgrade black version and usage (#538) by @jdufresne
- Remove "Command line" sections from docs (#539) by @jdufresne
- Use existing key_path() utility function throughout tests (#540) by @jdufresne
- Replace force_bytes()/force_unicode() in tests with literals (#541) by @jdufresne
- Remove unnecessary Unicode decoding before json.loads() (#542) by @jdufresne
- Remove unnecessary force_bytes() calls priot to base64url_decode() (#543) by @jdufresne
- Remove deprecated arguments from docs (#544) by @jdufresne
- Update code blocks in docs (#545) by @jdufresne
- Refactor jwt/ without requests dependency (#546) by @jdufresne
- Tighten bytes/str boundaries and remove unnecessary coercing (#547) by @jdufresne
- Replace with builtin open() (#548) by @jdufresne
- Replace int_from_bytes() with builtin int.from_bytes() (#549) by @jdufresne
- Enforce .encode() return type using mypy (#551) by @jdufresne
- Prefer direct indexing over options.get() (#552) by @jdufresne
- Cleanup "noqa" comments (#553) by @jdufresne
- Replace merge_dict() with builtin dict unpacking generalizations (#555) by @jdufresne
- Do not mutate the input payload in PyJWT.encode() (#557) by @jdufresne
- Use direct indexing in PyJWKClient.get_signing_key_from_jwt() (#558) by @jdufresne
- Split PyJWT/PyJWS classes to tighten type interfaces (#559) by @jdufresne
- Simplify mocked_response test utility function (#560) by @jdufresne
- Autoupdate pre-commit hooks and apply them (#561) by @jdufresne
- Remove unused argument "payload" from PyJWS._verify_signature() (#562) by @jdufresne
- Add utility functions to assist test skipping (#563) by @jdufresne
- Type hint jwt.utils module (#564) by @jdufresne
- Prefer ModuleNotFoundError over ImportError (#565) by @jdufresne
- Fix tox "manifest" environment to pass (#566) by @jdufresne
- Fix tox "docs" environment to pass (#567) by @jdufresne
- Simplify black configuration to be closer to upstream defaults (#568) by @jdufresne
- Use generator expressions (#569) by @jdufresne
- Simplify from_base64url_uint() (#570) by @jdufresne
- Drop lint environment from GitHub actions in favor of (#571) by @jdufresne
- [] pre-commit autoupdate (#572)
- Simplify tox configuration (#573) by @jdufresne
- Combine identical test functions using pytest.mark.parametrize() (#574) by @jdufresne
- Complete type hinting of (#578) by @jdufresne
Thanks to all that helped made this release happen one way or another. Special shout out to @jdufresne for all the amazing work getting this project into tip-top shape.
Note: I accidentally published v1.6.2 and removed it from PyPI, that's why the jump to v1.6.3
- All exceptions inherit from PyJWTError #340