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joymonkey edited this page Feb 13, 2020 · 10 revisions

JawaLite Syntax

JawaLite is a command protocol originally developed by Scott Gray for the JEDI Display system.

JawaLite command syntax uses plain text format, followed by a carriage return.
Format is address - command letter - value:
where x= address (one char), Y=command letter, zzz=optional argument, = carriage return character ('\r'=0x13)

The address field is interpreted as follows:
0 - global address, addresses all the displays that support the command
1 - TFLD (Top Front Logic Dislay)
2 - BFLD (Bottom Front Logic Display)
3 - RLD (Rear Logic Display)
4 - Front PSI
5 - Rear PSI
6 - Front Holo
7 - Rear Holo
8 - Top Holo

For example, to tell all the logics to perform the "short circuit" animation sequence, we would send the command 0T4

The Revised JawaLite Alphabet

This list was compiled based on Scott Gray's JawaLite 2.0 Programmers Reference Manual documentation. Updated with commands used in Curious Marc's version of Teeces code, and extra codes used by the Logic Engine.

These are the Jawalite commands that are currently supported by the Logic Engine...

  • F = Adjusts Fade time/speed of specific logics (time a pixel will stay paused at a tween color)
    0-3Fx where x=0 to 16
  • G = Adjusts Delay time/speed of specific logics (max time a pixel will stay paused at a key color)
    0-3Fx where x=0 to 255
  • H = Shifts the color Hue of specific logics
    0-3Hx where x=0 to 255
  • J = Adjust Brightness of logics
    0-3Jx where x=0 to 255
  • K = Modifies the maximum color Saturation of specific logics
    0-3Kx where x=200 to 255
  • M = Scroll a text Message
    0-3MHello World - Scroll "Hello World" on specified logic displays
  • O = Set on/off state of logics
    0-3Ox where x=0 (off) or x=1 (on)
  • P = Define a custom Parameter
    0-3P70 - "Reset" revert to factory default logic speeds & colors
    0-3P71 - "Load" revert to logic speeds & colors stored in EEPROM
    0-3P72 - "Save" save current logic speeds & colors to EEPROM
    0-3P73 - "Palette" cycle logic display through predefined color palettes
  • T = Change main mode Type
    0-3T0 - test (switches all logics to on)
    0-3T1 - display to normal random
    0T2 - flash, same as alarm
    0T3 - alarm for 4 seconds (flashes displays on and off)
    0T4 - short circuit (10 seconds sequence)
    0T5 - scream, same as alarm
    0T6 - leia, 34 seconds (moving horizontal bar)
    0T11 - March (alternating halfs of logics, 47 seconds)
    0-3T92 - spectrum, bargraph displays. Runs forever, reset by calling to 0T1
    Extra command T to turn displays off

See the Pages above for info relevant to the Logic Engine.

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