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Provide alternate fallback for sp_GetDDL
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The ideal is to install sp_GetDDL at the server level, and run it as a system stored procedure against any database on the server. But this may not be possible in some environments. If you can't use it as a system SP, then it can be used as a local SP in the target database. If you can't install it at all, then you can fall back to built-in SQL functions that will produce some usable output. #415
  • Loading branch information
joyfullservice committed Aug 1, 2023
1 parent d5579c4 commit 412cf8c
Showing 1 changed file with 174 additions and 69 deletions.
243 changes: 174 additions & 69 deletions Version Control.accda.src/modules/clsSchemaMsSql.cls
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,38 +18,43 @@ Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

' This requires us to use all the public methods and properties of the implemented class
' which keeps all the server classes consistent in how they are used in the export
' process. The implemented functions should be kept private as they are called
' from the implementing class, not this class.
Implements IDbSchema

' Status of GetDDL stored procedure
Private Enum eSpStatus
End Enum

' Handle local variables
Private Type udtThis
blnInitialized As Boolean
strName As String
strBaseFolder As String
strConnect As String
blnUtcTime As Boolean
strUserID As String
strPassword As String
varFilters As Variant
End Type
Private this As udtThis

' Dictionaries representing modified items, and all items
Private m_Files As Dictionary
Private m_AllItems As Dictionary
Private m_ModifiedItems As Dictionary
Private m_Index As Dictionary

' This requires us to use all the public methods and properties of the implemented class
' which keeps all the server classes consistent in how they are used in the export
' process. The implemented functions should be kept private as they are called
' from the implementing class, not this class.
Implements IDbSchema

' Procedure : IDbSchema_Export
' Author : Adam Waller
' Date : 7/14/2023
' Purpose :
' Purpose : Export DDL representations of the external database objects.
Private Sub IDbSchema_Export(blnFullExport As Boolean, Optional strAlternatePath As String)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,8 +159,6 @@ End Sub
Private Function ExportObject(strType, strSchema As String, strName As String, dteModified As Date, strPath As String, ByRef oConn As ADODB.Connection) As String

Static intUseSP As Integer

Dim strSqlDef
Dim strDefinition As String
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Expand All @@ -164,24 +167,33 @@ Private Function ExportObject(strType, strSchema As String, strName As String, d
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim strCmdTemplate As String

' Prepare template statement for sp_GetDDL to work around VARCHAR(MAX) issue
' with many SQL Server ODBC drivers.
strCmdTemplate = _
"DECLARE @table TABLE (item text) " & _
"INSERT INTO @table exec sp_GetDDL N'{name}' " & _
"SELECT * FROM @table"

' Cache whether or not
'if intusesp=0 then intusesp =
' Attempt to use the sp_GetDDL SP if possible
If CanUseGetDDL Then
' Prepare template statement for sp_GetDDL to work around VARCHAR(MAX) issue
' with many SQL Server ODBC drivers.
strCmdTemplate = _
"DECLARE @table TABLE (item text) " & _
"INSERT INTO @table exec sp_GetDDL N'{name}' " & _
"SELECT * FROM @table"
' Fall back to built-in SQL statements
strCmdTemplate = _
"DECLARE @table TABLE (item text) " & _
"INSERT INTO @table SELECT object_definition (OBJECT_ID(N'{name}')) " & _
"SELECT * FROM @table"

'strCmdTemplate = "SELECT object_definition (OBJECT_ID(N'{name}'))"
'strCmdTemplate = "test"
End If

' Build full name of SQL object
strFullName = "[" & strSchema & "].[" & strName & "]"

' Determine how to export this type of object
Select Case strType
strSqlDef = Replace(strCmdTemplate, "{name}", strFullName)
'strSqlDef = "exec sp_help " & strFullName & ""

' Unsupported non-dependent objects
Expand All @@ -190,7 +202,11 @@ Private Function ExportObject(strType, strSchema As String, strName As String, d

' Sanity check
If Len(strSqlDef) Then
Perf.OperationStart "Run sp_GetDDL on " & strType
If CanUseGetDDL Then
Perf.OperationStart "Run sp_GetDDL on " & strType
Perf.OperationStart "Get DDL for " & strType
End If
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
With cmd
Set .ActiveConnection = oConn
Expand All @@ -199,52 +215,150 @@ Private Function ExportObject(strType, strSchema As String, strName As String, d
End With

' Get secondary recordset with object definition record
Set rst2 = rst.NextRecordset
With rst2
If Not .EOF Then strDefinition = Nz(.Fields(0))
If strDefinition = vbNullString Then
If FSO.FileExists(strPath) Then DeleteFile strPath
If strType = "USER_TABLE" And Not CanUseGetDDL Then
strDefinition = GetTableDefFallback(strFullName, oConn)
Set rst2 = rst.NextRecordset
With rst2
If Not .EOF Then strDefinition = Nz(.Fields(0))
End With
End If

' Write object definition to file
If strDefinition = vbNullString Then
If FSO.FileExists(strPath) Then DeleteFile strPath
' Export to file, and set modified date to match SQL object
WriteFile strDefinition, strPath
SetFileDate strPath, dteModified, Not this.blnUtcTime
End If

End If

End Function

' Procedure : CanUseGetDDL
' Author : Adam Waller
' Date : 7/31/2023
' Purpose : Returns true if we can use the system SP `sp_GetDDL`
Private Function CanUseGetDDL() As Boolean

Static intUseSP As eSpStatus

Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

' Cache whether or not sp_GetDDL exists
If intUseSP = essUnknown Then

' Open connection, if not provided
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.Open this.strConnect, this.strUserID, this.strPassword

Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
With cmd
' Check in master database (System SP)
.CommandText = "select OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.sp_GetDDLz')"
Set .ActiveConnection = conn
Set rst = .Execute
If Nz(rst.Fields(0).Value, 0) = 0 Then
' Nothing found on the master DB. Try this db.
.CommandText = "select OBJECT_ID('sp_GetDDLz')"
Set rst = .Execute
If Nz(rst.Fields(0).Value, 0) = 0 Then
' Still not available
intUseSP = essUnavailable
' Works on the local database
intUseSP = essInstalled
End If
' Export to file, and set modified date to match SQL object
WriteFile strDefinition, strPath
SetFileDate strPath, dteModified
' Found an object ID. Should be available
intUseSP = essInstalled
End If
End With

' Close connection

' Add log entries if the tool is not available
If intUseSP = essUnavailable Then
Log.Add " Note: sp_GetDDL was not available for generating object definitions. Using built-in SQL functions instead.", False
Log.Add " This system stored procedure can be found at:", False
End If
End If

' Return current status
CanUseGetDDL = (intUseSP = essInstalled)

End Function

' Procedure : UpdateIndex
' Procedure : GetTableDefFallback
' Author : Adam Waller
' Date : 7/19/2023
' Purpose : Update the entry in the index using values from the recordset
' Date : 7/31/2023
' Purpose : Return a simplified fall-back version of a table definition without using
' : sp_GetDDL.
Private Sub UpdateIndex(strItem As String, dObject As Dictionary)
Private Function GetTableDefFallback(strTable As String, oConn As ADODB.Connection) As String

Dim dItem As Dictionary
Dim strSql As String
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim intRst As Integer
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Dim colText As New clsConcat

' Initialize counter
intRst = 2

' Get initial table information
strSql = "exec sp_help N'" & strTable & "'"
'@Ignore SetAssignmentWithIncompatibleObjectType
Set rst = oConn.Execute(strSql)
colText.Add "-- sp_help Recordset 1" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
For Each fld In rst.Fields
colText.Add fld.Name
colText.Add vbTab
Next fld
colText.Add vbCrLf
colText.Add rst.GetString(, , vbTab, vbCrLf)

' Loop through additional recordsets for columns, keys and other data
Set rst = rst.NextRecordset
If rst Is Nothing Then Exit Do
If rst.State = adStateClosed Then Exit Do

colText.Add vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "-- sp_help Recordset " & intRst & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
For Each fld In rst.Fields
colText.Add fld.Name
colText.Add vbTab
Next fld
If Not rst.EOF Then
colText.Add vbCrLf
colText.Add rst.GetString(, , vbTab, vbCrLf)
End If

Perf.OperationStart "Update Schema Index"
' See if we are working with an existing entry
intRst = intRst + 1

If m_Index.Exists(strItem) Then
Set dItem = m_Index(strItem)
' Add the new entry
Set dItem = New Dictionary
m_Index.Add strItem, dItem
End If
' Clear references
Set fld = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing

' Update the meta values
dItem("FileDate") = Now()
dItem("LastModified") = dObject("LastModified")
' Return SQL content
GetTableDefFallback = colText.GetStr

End Sub
End Function

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +413,7 @@ Private Sub ScanDatabaseObjects()
Dim blnUseGetDDL As Boolean
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim strItem As String
Dim strSchema As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim blnExport As Boolean
Dim blnModified As Boolean
Expand All @@ -309,19 +424,10 @@ Private Sub ScanDatabaseObjects()
' Clear module level objects
Set m_AllItems = Nothing
Set m_ModifiedItems = Nothing
Set m_Index = Nothing

' Make sure we initialize before running the scan
If Not this.blnInitialized Then Exit Sub

' Load index
Set dFile = ReadJsonFile(IndexPath)
If Not dFile Is Nothing Then
Set m_Index = dFile("Items")
Set m_Index = New Dictionary
End If

' Return list of objects from the server
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
Perf.OperationStart "Retrieve SQL Objects"
Expand All @@ -338,8 +444,10 @@ Private Sub ScanDatabaseObjects()
With rstObjects
Do While Not .EOF

' Build item path and full path to source file
strItem = Nz(!Folder) & PathSep & GetSafeFileName(Nz(!Name)) & ".sql"
' Build item path and full path to source file (ignore dbo schema name)
strSchema = Nz(!schema, "dbo") & "."
If StrComp(strSchema, "dbo.", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strSchema = vbNullString
strItem = Nz(!Folder) & PathSep & GetSafeFileName(strSchema & Nz(!Name)) & ".sql"
strPath = this.strBaseFolder & strItem

' See if we pass the filter
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,29 +590,26 @@ Private Sub IDbSchema_Initialize(dInstance As Scripting.IDictionary)
varRules = Split(strFilter, vbCrLf)
End If

' Set class values
With this
.strName = dNZ(dInstance, "Name")
.strConnect = dNZ(dInstance, "Connect")
.strBaseFolder = Options.GetExportFolder & "databases\" & GetSafeFileName(.strName) & PathSep
.varFilters = varRules
If dInstance.Exists("UtcDateTime") Then .blnUtcTime = dInstance("UtcDateTime")
.blnInitialized = (Len(.strConnect))
End With
End Sub

End Sub

Private Property Get IDbSchema_BaseFolder() As String
IDbSchema_BaseFolder = this.strBaseFolder
End Property

Private Function IndexPath() As String
IndexPath = this.strBaseFolder & "vcs-index.json"
End Function

Private Property Get IDbSchema_Name() As String

IDbSchema_Name = this.strName
End Property

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