Once you Crawl and Index all the stocks you like, you can issue a query like "Tell me all the Companies with a Market Cap of more than 2 Billion, 4 year CAGR for Revenue of 20% and at least 200 Million dollar of Revenue TTM or whatever metric you've crawled and indexed. Or simply query to see the details of the stock you are researching.
>>> for x in mg.dbh.find( {'Market_Cap' : {"$gte" : 2}, "Market_Cap_Denom" : 'B', 'Years.4Years.RevenueGrowth' : {"$gte" : 20 }, 'RevTTM': {"$gte" : 200 } , 'RevTTM_Denom': 'M' }):
... print(x['Stock'])
and so on.....
git clone https://github.com/jouellnyc/DockerStocksWeb
cd DockerStocksWeb
docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yaml up -d
Enter the flask container:
./non-app/master.enter.sh flask
Set your api_key from Alpha Vantage
cd /stocks/lib
vi ./crawler.py
Start testing a crawling -- (Example with debug=True):
nobody@85e2ddd5a534:/stocks/lib$ ./crawler.py -s OKTA
Connecting to Alpha Vantage for OKTA
fiscalDateEnding totalRevenue netIncome
0 2020-01-31 586067000 -208913000
1 2019-01-31 399254000 -125497000
2 2018-01-31 259990000 -114359000
3 2017-01-31 160326000 -83509000
4 2016-01-31 85907000 -76302000
fiscalDateEnding totalRevenue netIncome Years Revenue_Growth NetInc_Growth Years_From
0 2020-01-31 586067000 -208913000 2020 0.616143 0.286345 4Years
1 2019-01-31 399254000 -125497000 2019 0.668810 0.180409 3Years
2 2018-01-31 259990000 -114359000 2018 0.739659 0.224242 2Years
3 2017-01-31 160326000 -83509000 2017 0.866274 0.094454 1Years
4 2016-01-31 85907000 -76302000 2016 0.000000 0.000000 0Years
[{'NetInc_Growth': 0.2863447725994137,
'Revenue_Growth': 0.6161426026736712,
'Years': 2020,
'Years_From': '4Years',
'fiscalDateEnding': '2020-01-31',
'netIncome': -208913000,
'totalRevenue': 586067000},
{'NetInc_Growth': 0.18040889685668393,
'Revenue_Growth': 0.6688100541398727,
'Years': 2019,
'Years_From': '3Years',
'fiscalDateEnding': '2019-01-31',
'netIncome': -125497000,
'totalRevenue': 399254000},
{'NetInc_Growth': 0.22424182793353276,
'Revenue_Growth': 0.7396586685468718,
'Years': 2018,
'Years_From': '2Years',
'fiscalDateEnding': '2018-01-31',
'netIncome': -114359000,
'totalRevenue': 259990000},
{'NetInc_Growth': 0.09445361851589729,
'Revenue_Growth': 0.8662739939702238,
'Years': 2017,
'Years_From': '1Years',
'fiscalDateEnding': '2017-01-31',
'netIncome': -83509000,
'totalRevenue': 160326000},
{'NetInc_Growth': 0.0,
'Revenue_Growth': 0.0,
'Years': 2016,
'Years_From': '0Years',
'fiscalDateEnding': '2016-01-31',
'netIncome': -76302000,
'totalRevenue': 85907000}]
{'Years': {'0Years': {'Date': '2016-01-31',
'NetIncDenom': 'M',
'NetIncGrowth': 0.0,
'NetIncome': '-76.3',
'RevDenom': 'M',
'Revenue': '85.91',
'RevenueGrowth': 0.0},
'1Years': {'Date': '2017-01-31',
'NetIncDenom': 'M',
'NetIncGrowth': 9.45,
'NetIncome': '-83.51',
'RevDenom': 'M',
'Revenue': '160.33',
'RevenueGrowth': 86.63},
'2Years': {'Date': '2018-01-31',
'NetIncDenom': 'M',
'NetIncGrowth': 22.42,
'NetIncome': '-114.36',
'RevDenom': 'M',
'Revenue': '259.99',
'RevenueGrowth': 73.97},
'3Years': {'Date': '2019-01-31',
'NetIncDenom': 'M',
'NetIncGrowth': 18.04,
'NetIncome': '-125.5',
'RevDenom': 'M',
'Revenue': '399.25',
'RevenueGrowth': 66.88},
'4Years': {'Date': '2020-01-31',
'NetIncDenom': 'M',
'NetIncGrowth': 28.63,
'NetIncome': '-208.91',
'RevDenom': 'M',
'Revenue': '586.07',
'RevenueGrowth': 61.61}}}
Symbol AssetType Name Description ... DividendDate
ExDividendDate LastSplitFactor LastSplitDate
NaN OKTA Common Stock Okta, Inc
Okta, Inc. provides identity management platfo... ...
None None None None
[1 rows x 59 columns]
{'BookValue': 5.256,
'Currency': 'USD',
'Market_Cap': 36.56,
'Market_Cap_Denom': 'B',
'PriceToBookRatio': 53.82,
'PriceToSalesTTM': '46.12',
'RevTTM': 768.01,
'RevTTM_Denom': 'M',
'TrailingPE': 0.0,
'Years': {'0Years': {'Date': '2016-01-31',
'NetIncDenom': 'M',
'NetIncGrowth': 0.0,
'NetIncome': '-76.3',
'RevDenom': 'M',
'Revenue': '85.91',
'RevenueGrowth': 0.0},
'1Years': {'Date': '2017-01-31',
'NetIncDenom': 'M',
'NetIncGrowth': 9.45,
'NetIncome': '-83.51',
'RevDenom': 'M',
'Revenue': '160.33',
'RevenueGrowth': 86.63},
'2Years': {'Date': '2018-01-31',
'NetIncDenom': 'M',
'NetIncGrowth': 22.42,
'NetIncome': '-114.36',
'RevDenom': 'M',
'Revenue': '259.99',
'RevenueGrowth': 73.97},
'3Years': {'Date': '2019-01-31',
'NetIncDenom': 'M',
'NetIncGrowth': 18.04,
'NetIncome': '-125.5',
'RevDenom': 'M',
'Revenue': '399.25',
'RevenueGrowth': 66.88},
'4Years': {'Date': '2020-01-31',
'NetIncDenom': 'M',
'NetIncGrowth': 28.63,
'NetIncome': '-208.91',
'RevDenom': 'M',
'Revenue': '586.07',
'RevenueGrowth': 61.61}}}
OK, Sending data to Mongo for OKTA
The DB 'Stocks' will be auto created in the local Mongo Container
./non-app/master.enter.sh mongodb
mongodb@6fd40bdb8b08:/$ mongo
MongoDB shell version v3.6.8
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("755643dd-801e-4d72-bfd0-30c7728f6fd9") }
MongoDB server version: 3.6.8
Server has startup warnings:
2021-09-26T15:14:41.888+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2021-09-26T15:14:41.888+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database.
2021-09-26T15:14:41.888+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted.
2021-09-26T15:14:41.888+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
Point your browser to http://$YOUR_IP and search for OKTA or
Nginx will listen on your local host's port 80.
Flask and Mongodb will be on the same bridged docker network reachable by docker names.
- Git/Docker/Docker-compose/MongoDB(Optionally at Mongo)
- https://www.alphavantage.co/ -- Free Api key
This project defaults to a local MongoDB -- up and running after 'git clone'.
To use AWS:
- Change Mode to 'AWS' in mongo_infra_prod_config.yaml
- You'd need a custom Mongo Atlas entry specific to your account -- (See https://www.mongodb.com/python)
- If using https://github.com/jouellnyc/AWS/tree/master/boto3/blue_green_deploy, modify the variable 'user_data_file' in 'prod_vpc_lb_builder.py' to point to user_data.http.AWS.sh
To fully deploy automatically:
- You'll need to setup AWS Secret Manager entries as well. See user_data.http.AWS.sh and getSecret.py.
- This project is mean to be a part of a DevOps/Python learning project and is unsecured by default.
- Images built from this report are likely to be large and cumbersome with Container Orchestration.
- For a while, alphavantage free api keys were not, working, I have not spent much time on this project recently, your mileage may vary.