This repository contains all of Jotego's cores and related files ready for usage on MiSTer.
Jotego's arcade cores offer the most accurate arcade experience in modern hardware using FPGA technology.
Please support Jotego's work:
- Patreon:
- Paypal:
- Github:
Downloader development by theypsilon (get him a Ko-fi)
You may download all of them at once as a zip through the following link. Once you have them, place them as-is in your properly initialised SD card, and everything should work out of the box.
The source code for these files is kept in independent repositories here.
The Downloader tool can be configured for downloading all these files directly from your MiSTer. If you are not getting the files automatically, add manually this database to /media/fat/downloader.ini
. Add these lines to the end of the file:
db_url =
, arcade
, arcade-cores
, arcade-jt1942
, arcade-jt1943
, arcade-jtaliens
, arcade-jtbiocom
, arcade-jtbtiger
, arcade-jtbubl
, arcade-jtcastle
, arcade-jtcommnd
, arcade-jtcomsc
, arcade-jtcontra
, arcade-jtcop
, arcade-jtcps1
, arcade-jtcps15
, arcade-jtcps2
, arcade-jtdd
, arcade-jtdd2
, arcade-jtexed
, arcade-jtf1drm
, arcade-jtflane
, arcade-jtgng
, arcade-jtgunsmk
, arcade-jthige
, arcade-jtkarnov
, arcade-jtkchamp
, arcade-jtkicker
, arcade-jtkiwi
, arcade-jtkunio
, arcade-jtlabrun
, arcade-jtmidres
, arcade-jtmikie
, arcade-jtmx5k
, arcade-jtninja
, arcade-jtoutrun
, arcade-jtpang
, arcade-jtpinpon
, arcade-jtrastan
, arcade-jtroadf
, arcade-jtroc
, arcade-jtrumble
, arcade-jts16
, arcade-jts16b
, arcade-jtsarms
, arcade-jtsbask1
, arcade-jtsbaskt
, arcade-jtsectnz
, arcade-jtsf
, arcade-jtshanon
, arcade-jtsimson
, arcade-jtslyspy
, arcade-jttmnt
, arcade-jttora
, arcade-jttrack
, arcade-jttrojan
, arcade-jttwin16
, arcade-jtvigil
, arcade-jtvulgus
, arcade-jtyiear
, cores
, mra
These cores are also available for MiST, SiDi, NeptUNO, MultiCore and MultiCore 2+. For these platforms check the JTBIN repository.