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A plugable prompt generator written in golang. It is heavily inspired on, but it adds information about Python environment, AWS*, golang, k8s... And you can add your own plugins!

*Aws information is based on a custom tool that exports on AWS_ROLE and AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION information about the current assumed role.


  • You need a valid go installation and $GOPATH/bin on your path
  • libgit2 version 0.26 (Git plugin needs git2go, which has the go bindings for libgit2). Currently using git2go.v26 (bindings agains libgit2 0.26) if you have another version you will have to change the import to be able to build goprompt (on prompt/plugin/git.go).
    • (on MAC you can install libgit2 with brew. you will need pkg-config if its not already installed)
  • go get
  • go install
  • For bash/zsh:
    • link goprompt.(bash|zsh) (on the repository root) to your home (or any other directory you may want)
    • add to your .bashrc/.zshrc: source ~/goprompt.(bash|zsh) #Or the path you linked the file on
  • For Fish:
    • link in ~/.config/fish/functions (remove any other fish_prompt function you may have)


  • set GOPROMPT_OPTIONS in your .bashrc|fishd|.zshrc with your favourites goprompt options. You can change it dinamically (so you can play with it until you find the right options for you in the console before setting it up)

  • There is also a configuration file at ~/.config/goprompt/goprompt.json when you may specify your customTemplate, and the different options a plugin may offer. Currently the only way to tune the plugin options is using this config file. Example: {"options":{"path.fullpath":2}, "custom_template": "{{ load \"k8s\"}}{{load \"python\"|suffix \" \"}}{{load \"aws\"|suffix \"|\"}}{{load \"user\"|suffix \"@\"}}{{load \"hostname}} {{load \"lastcommand\"|suffix \" \"}}{{load path}}{{load \"git\"|prefix \" \"}}{{load \"userchar\"}} "}


  • aws: shows your current assumed role (red if expired, yellow if < 10minuts to expiration, blue if < 30 minutes else green)
  • git: shows information on branch/commits diff with upstream/current workdir status.... It does a fetch if last fetch >300 seconds
  • golang: shows information of the runtime golang version
  • k8s: shows current context name with its namespace
  • lastcommand: shows the last command return code
  • path: shows the current path
  • python: shows current virtualenvironment if any
  • user: shows the user (if its not root)
  • hostname: shows the hostname (green if regular user, red if root)
  • userchar: $ or # (normal user vs root)
  • exituserchar: shows the typical final char for the prompt (# is the user is root, $ otherwise) but it will be red if the last command exited with rc!=0

Known issues

  • Missing some tests


  • Implement plugin options in the command line
  • git plugin:
    • implement another styles (oh-my-zsh for example)
  • Implement more plugins:
    • ruby? (RVM/rbenv/bundle ¿?)
  • Setup more predefined templates