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A Python package for weather data gathering for further use.

Quick Start


The name "Gnomy" (while a working name) comes from the initial name of the effort to create a "NOAA-based AMY file". After being said repeatedly, "NOAA AMY" began to mumble together into "no-my" or gnomy.

Gnomy began with my personal need to collect actual measured weather data rather than typical meteorological year data in order to fit home energy models to measured data. Having worked with the Herbie python package, this package has the goal to make parallelized collection of weather data and export in the required format more accessible.

AMY Parameters

An epw file consists of 8 rows of header information followed by the body of the data with 34 columns

epw Header Information

Each line contains contextual information about the location and weather. See Climate Analytics for more information on each field specifically.

  1. Location
  2. Design conditions
  3. Typical and extreme periods
  4. ground temperatures
  5. Holidays and daylight savings
  6. Comments 1
  7. Comments 2
  8. Data Periods

epw Data Body

The columns of an AMY file are not labeled within the file itself. The energy plus documentation identifies many if the fields of interest.

Below is a table of the values used, their limits, conventions for missing data, and the source of the data using gnomy. Values in bold are used by EnergyPlus

Field Name Units Min. Max. Missing Used in Energy Plus gnomy source
1 Year
2 Month
3 Hour
4 Minute
5 Data Source and Uncertainty
6 Dry Bulb Temerature C -70 70 99.9 Yes NOAA analysis air temperature 2m above ground
7 Dew Point Temerature C -70 70 99.9 Yes NOAA analysis dew point 2m above ground
8 Relative Humidity 0 110 999 Yes NOAA analysis relative humidity 2m above ground
9 Atmospheric Station Pressure Pa 31,000 120,000 999,999 Yes NOAA Analysis surface pressure
10 Extraterrestrial Horizontal Radiation Wh/m$^2$ 0 9,999 Calculated from Solar Zenith Angle and the solar constant. See [1]
11 Extraterrestrial Direct Normal Radiation Wh/m$^2$ 0 9,999 Calculated from the day of year and the solar constant. See: [2]
12 Horizontal Infrared Radiation Intensity Wh/m$^2$ 0 9,999 Yes Calculated from Sky Emissivity and dry bulb temperature. See [3]
13 Global Horizontal Radiation Wh/m$^2$ 0 9,999 Calculated from DNI, DHI, and Solar Zenith Angle. See [4]
14 Direct Normal Radiation Wh/m$^2$ 0 9,999 Yes NOAA Analysis Visible Beam Downward Solar Flux
15 Diffuse Horizontal Radiation Wh/m$^2$ 0 9,999 Yes NOAA Analysis Visible Diffuse Downward Solar Flux
16 Global Horizontal Illuminance lux >=999,900 Estimated using Irradiance. See [5]
17 Direct Normal Illuminance lux >=999,900 Estimated using Irradiance. See [5]
18 Diffuse Horizontal Illuminance lux >=999,900 Estimated using Irradiance. See [5]
19 Zenith Luminance Cd/m$^2$ >=9999 Estimated using Irradiance. See [5]
20 Wind Direction Degrees 0 360 999 Yes NOAA Analysis Wind Speed in U and V directions converted to compass directions. See [6]
21 Wind Speed m/s 0 40 999 Yes NOAA Analysis Wind Speeds in U and V components used for total wind speed
22 Total Sky Cover 0 10 99 NOAA Analysis Total Sky Cover
23 Opaque Sky Cover 0 10 99 Used if horizontal IR intensity is missing Calculated by estimating sky cover that is only Low or Medium Cloud Cover or 50% high cloud cover. See [7]
24 Visibility km 9,999 NOAA Analysis Visibility
25 Ceiling Height m 99,999 NOAA Analysis Geopotential Height
26 Present Weather Observation Boolean Yes, primarily to know if exterior surfaces are wet or frozen.
27 Present Weather Codes str Yes, primarily to know if exterior surfaces are wet or frozen Estimated using precipitation forecasts. See [8]
28 Precipitable Water mm 999 Yes NOAA Analysis Precipitable Water
29 Aerosol Optical Depth thousandths 0.999 NOAA Analysis Aeorosol Optical Thickness
30 Snow Depth cm 999 Yes NOAA Analysis Snow Depth
31 Days Since Last Snowfall 99 Calculated after collecting precipitation data
32 Albedo 999 Estimated using the land use category. See [9]
33 Liquid Precipitation Depth mm 999 NOAA 1 hour forecast Total Precipitation. See [9]
34 Liquid Precipitation Quantity hr 99 Calculated. The interval 33 accumulates over, which is 1 hour.

In summary, the following values are used by EnergyPlus:

The following variables are provided directly by NOAA analysis:

The following variables are estimated using NOAA 1h forecasts:

The following variables are calculated or estimated:


1) Calculating Extraterrestrial Horizontal Radiation