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A library for integrating Playwright and TestBox


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CFML integration with TestBox and Playwright to run tests in actual browsers


Testbox v4+

ColdBox is not required.


  1. Add Java Jars to tests/Application.cfc
this.javaSettings = {
	loadPaths: directoryList(
		rootPath &  "modules/cbPlaywright/lib",
	loadColdFusionClassPath: true,
	reloadOnChange: false
  1. Make sure you have a mapping to cbPlaywright as well.
this.mappings[ "/cbPlaywright" ] = rootPath & "/modules/cbPlaywright";

Note: You can't use the mapping in the javaSettings since they are both in the psuedo-constructor.

  1. (OPTIONAL) If you have installed CommandBox or commandbox-cbplaywright in a non-standard location, set the CBPLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_DIR environment variable to the correct location of the Playwright driver.

Playwright CLI

To interact with the Playwright CLI, use commandbox-cbplaywright:

# or

You can see the documentation for the Playwright Java CLI here.

Installing Test browsers

To use Playwright, first you must install one or more test browsers. Refer to the Playwright docs on Browsers for more information.


box playwright install chromium
box playwright install firefox
box playwright install webkit
box playwright install msedge


To use cbPlaywright, create a test spec that extends either cbPlaywright.models.PlaywrightTestCase or cbPlaywright.models.ColdBoxPlaywrightTestCase. What's the difference between these two? PlaywrightTestCase extends testbox.system.BaseSpec while ColdBoxPlaywrightTestCase extends coldbox.system.testing.BaseTestCase. Basically, if you need to access your ColdBox app in your Playwright test, use ColdBoxPlaywrightTestCase.

NOTE: ColdBox is not required to use cbPlaywright. The only dependency is TestBox.

component extends="cbPlaywright.models.PlaywrightTestCase" {
	// ...

A PlaywrightTestCase CFC automatically creates a variables.playwright instance in the beforeAll method.

If you have a beforeAll on your test case, make sure to call super.beforeAll(). Otherwise, you will not have access to the variables.playwright instance.

This playwright variable is an instance of the Java Playwright class. From this variable you can create browsers to start running your tests.

component extends="cbPlaywright.models.PlaywrightTestCase" {

	function run() {
		describe( "home page", () => {
			it( "can visit the home page", () => {
				var browser = variables.playwright.firefox().launch();
				var page = browser.newPage();
				navigate( page, "http://" & CGI.HTTP_HOST );
				waitForLoadState( page );
				expect( page.title() ).toBe( "Welcome to my site!" );
			} );
		} );


All of the methods above are called on the Java objects provided by the Playwright Java SDK. When using cbPlaywright, you will often reference the Playwright Java SDK documentation.

Helper Functions

cbPlaywright provides helper functions to make interacting with the Java SDK easier.

You can find all of these helper functions inside cbPlaywright.models.PlaywrightMixins


Builds up a URL string to the currently running server. It can take any amount of arguments and will intelligently combine them into a path prepended with the current CGI.HTTP_HOST.

Name Type Required Default Description
paths string false null This is a variadic parameter. Any number of strings can be passed as separate arguments. They will all be combined into one URL path prepended with the current CGI.HTTP_HOST.


route( "/users", userId, "edit" );


Navigates a Page to a URL.

| Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----- | ------ | -------- | ------- | | | page | | true | | A Playwright page to navigate. | | path | string | true | | The path to navigate to. |


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.webkit() );
var page = browser.newPage();
navigate( page, route( "/" ) );
expect( page.title() ).toBe( "My Site" );


Finds an ElementHandle in the given Page by selector.

| Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----- | ------ | -------- | ------- | | | page | | true | | A Playwright page in which to find the selector. | | selector | string | true | | A selector to use when resolving DOM element. |


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.chromium() );
var page = browser.newPage();
navigate( page, "" );
waitForLoadState( page );
expect( page.title() ).toBe( "Google" );
var searchBox = locateElement( page, '[aria-label="Search"]' );


Clicks an ElementHandle.

| Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----- | ------ | -------- | ------- | | | element | | true | | A Playwright ElementHandle. You usually retrieve this from a locateElement call. |


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.chromium() );
var page = browser.newPage();
navigate( page, "" );
waitForLoadState( page );
expect( page.title() ).toBe( "Google" );
var searchBox = locateElement( page, '[aria-label="Search"]' );
click( searchBox );


Fills an ElementHandle with the given value.

| Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----- | ------ | -------- | ------- | | | element | | true | | A Playwright ElementHandle. You usually retrieve this from a locateElement call. | | value | string | true | | The value to fill. |


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.chromium() );
var page = browser.newPage();
navigate( page, "" );
waitForLoadState( page );
expect( page.title() ).toBe( "Google" );
var searchBox = locateElement( page, '[aria-label="Search"]' );
click( searchBox );
fill( searchBox, "playwright" );


Presses a given key on an ElementHandle.

| Name | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----- | ------ | -------- | ------- | | | element | | true | | A Playwright ElementHandle. You usually retrieve this from a locateElement call. | | key | string | true | | The key to press. |


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.chromium() );
var page = browser.newPage();
navigate( page, "" );
waitForLoadState( page );
expect( page.title() ).toBe( "Google" );
var searchBox = locateElement( page, '[aria-label="Search"]' );
click( searchBox );
fill( searchBox, "playwright" );
press( searchBox, "Enter" );


Launches a Browser from a Playwright BrowserType instance. Returns a Playwright Browser instance.

Name Type Required Default Description
browserType true A Playwright BrowserType to launch.
headless boolean false true Flag to launch the browser in headless mode. Only interactive browser can be paused.


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.firefox() );


Launches an interactive Browser from a Playwright BrowserType instance. An interactive Browser is one that is not running in headless mode. Returns a Playwright Browser instance.

Name Type Required Default Description
browserType true A Playwright BrowserType to launch.


var browser = launchInteractiveBrowser( variables.playwright.msedge() );


Captures a screenshot from a Page instance. Returns the same Page instance.

Name Type Required Default Description
page true A Playwright Page to capture as a screenshot.
path string true The path to save the screenshot.
options struct false {} Additional options to customize the screenshot.

Additional options are as follows:

	// set a region to capture for the screenshot
	"clip": {
		"x": 100,
		"y": 100,
		"width": 100,
		"height": 100
	// captures the full scrollable page instead of the currently visible viewport
	"fullPage": true,
	// Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency. Defaults to false.
	"omitBackground": true,
	// The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to `png` images.
	"quality": 75,
	// Maximum time in milliseconds to capture the screenshot. Defaults to 30 seconds. Pass 0 to disable.
	"timeout": 5 * 1000,
	// The screenshot type, "png" or "jpeg". Defaults to "png".
	"type": "jpeg"


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.webkit() );
var page = browser.newPage();
page.navigate( route( "/" ) );
screenshotPage( page, "/tests/results/homePage.png", { "type": "jpeg" } );


Creates a new recorded BrowserContext from a Playwright Browser. A recorded context saves one or more videos of all the actions taken by the context. The context is created and provided to you via a callback. If any additional pages or popups are created, the context will save a video for each of them.

Returns the passed in Browser instance.

Name Type Required Default Description
browser true A Playwright Browser from which to create a recorded BrowserContext.
directory string true The path to a directory to save any generated videos.
callback function true A callback that receives the recorded context. All actions to be recorded should be called on this context variable inside the callback.
options struct false {} Additional options to customize the recordings.

Additional options are as follows:

	// Dimensions of the recorded videos. If not specified the size will be equal to viewport
	// scaled down to fit into 800x800. If viewport is not configured explicitly the video size
	// defaults to 800x450. Actual picture of each page will be scaled down if necessary
	// to fit the specified size.
	"recordVideoSize": {
		"height": 1280,
		"width": 720


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.chromium() );
newRecordedContextForBrowser( browser, "/tests/results/videos", function( context ) {
	var page = context.newPage();
	page.navigate( route( "/" ) );
	screenshotPage( page, "/tests/results/homePage.png" );
	expect( page.title() ).toBe( "Welcome to Coldbox!" );
	page.locator( "text=About" ).click();
	page.locator( "text=Official Site" ).click();
	expect( page.url() ).toBe( "" );
	screenshotPage( page, "/tests/results/coldboxPage.png" );
} );


Sets up a Playwright BrowserContext to allow tracing. Tracing creates a zip archive that can be replayed either locally or on

Name Type Required Default Description
context true A Playwright BrowserContext to capture a trace.
path string true The path to save the trace.
callback function true A callback to run additional Playwright methods. Any methods called on the passed in context inside this callback will be recorded in the trace.
startOptions struct false {} Additional start options to customize the trace.

Additional startOptions are as follows:

	// Whether to capture screenshots during tracing. Screenshots are used to build a timeline preview.
	// Defaults to `true`.
	"screenshots": false
	// If this option is true tracing will capture DOM snapshot on every action record network activity.
	// Defaults to `true`.
	"snapshots": false,
	// Whether to include source files for trace actions.
	// List of the directories with source code for the application must be provided via
	// `PLAYWRIGHT_JAVA_SRC` environment variable.
	// (The paths should be separated by ';' on Windows and by ':' on other platforms.)
	// Defaults to `false`.
	"sources": true,
	// Trace name to be shown in the Trace Viewer.
	"title": "My Home Page"


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.firefox() );
var context = browser.newContext();
traceContext( context, "/tests/results/", function() {
	var page = browser.newPage();
	page.navigate( route( "/" ) );
	screenshotPage( page, "/tests/results/homePage.png" );
} );


Waits for a popup to load after running the actions inside the callback, then returns the new popup Page. This action will fail if the navigation does not happen after 30 seconds.

Popups include any new pages opened by browser interactions (like <a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>)

Name Type Required Default Description
page true A Playwright Page that will launch a popup.
callback function true A callback containing Playwright actions that will end with launching a popup page.


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.chromium() );
var page = browser.newPage();
page.navigate( "" );
screenshotPage( page, "/tests/results/coldboxPage.png" );
var popup = waitForPopup( page, function() {
	page.locator( 'a:has-text("CFCASTS")' ).click();
} );
expect( popup.url() ).toBe( "" );


Waits for a navigation event to finish after running the actions inside the callback. This action will fail if the navigation does not happen after 30 seconds.

Name Type Required Default Description
page true A Playwright Page that will perform a navigation action.
callback function true A callback containing Playwright actions that will end with performing a navigation action.


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.chromium() );
var page = browser.newPage();
page.navigate( "" );
expect( page.url() ).toBe( "" );
var searchField = page.locator( '[placeholder="Search (Ctrl + K)"]' ).first();;
searchField.fill( "commandbox" );
waitForNavigation( page, function() { "Enter" );
} )
expect( page.url() ).toBe( "" );
screenshotPage( page, "/tests/results/cfcastsPage.png" );


Waits for the LOAD event from the DOM before continuing. This action will fail if the LOAD event is not fired before 30 seconds.

Name Type Required Default Description
page true A Playwright Page to wait for.


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.chromium() );
var page = browser.newPage();
navigate( page, "" );
waitForLoadState( page );
expect( page.title() ).toBe( "Google" );


Waits for the browser's url to be the given string. This action will fail if the url does not become the given string before 30 seconds.

Name Type Required Default Description
page true A Playwright Page to wait for.


var browser = launchBrowser( variables.playwright.chromium() );
var page = context.newPage();
navigate( page, "" );
waitForLoadState( page );
expect( page.title() ).toBe( "Google" );
var searchBox = locateElement( page, '[aria-label="Search"]' );
click( searchBox );
fill( searchBox, "playwright" );
press( searchBox, "Enter" );
expect( page.url() ).toInclude( "" );
		"text=Playwright: Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern ..."
waitForUrl( page, "" );

Running a Codegen Session

Codgen is a way to interact with a browser and record the actions to copy to your test. You can do this from the Playwright Java CLI.

java -cp "modules/cbPlaywright/lib/*" -Dplaywright.cli.dir="lib/driver/linux/" codegen {YOUR_SITE_HERE}

Make sure to copy the code out before closing any windows. You will need to massage some of the generated Java code to fit CFML, specifically anything with arrow functions.


A library for integrating Playwright and TestBox







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