Mish is a collection of research projects dedicated to solving fundamental points of frictions within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. As our first mission, we seek to bring down the reign of custodial exchanges, who are involved in 90% of total volume across all cryptocurrencies.
The popularity of these exchanges undermines the principle of financial self-sovereignty, proving to pose serious threats to users and damage the reputation of blockchain as a whole1. Unfortunately, lay blockchain users have been forced to make this tradeoff due to the unwieldiness of non-custodial exchanges. Our solution: make a good non-custodial exchange.
To this end, we need an alternative way to settle trades across users, without needing possession of their keys. This prompted the ongoing research and implementation into the recently published atomic swap protocol, Sweep-UC2. The efficiency, security, and wide-ranging compatibility make the protocol primed (pun intended) to be used as a foundation for a new kind of non-custodial exchange. In short, Mish is currently focused on a POC implementation of the Sweep-UC protocol.
Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated! The paper is a bit dense, so some math or cryptography background may be useful.