Demo project using github public API.
The basic idea is to query the public API but not directly. That job is performed by a Supervised GenServer.
A LiveView will query that data from the existing pool and will show user and repositories from github related to elixir projects.
It relies on a ApiClient GenServer running on a Supervisor and it contains all information in it's state. The ApiClient schedule queries to the GihHub Api as soon as it fires up and keep pulling until the quota is completed.
There is also a Nextjs 13 application in with I explore other github public API features
The main view is a LiveView that handles user interactions.
GhClient.GhProjectLive main view
Supervisor: makes sure that the ApliClient si always running
To start your Phoenix server:
- Run
mix setup
to install and setup dependencies - Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
The ApliClient GenServer is tested, run mix test
to execute them.
- httpoison
- poison
- picocss