(WIP) Kaggle competition: 1st and Future - Player Contact Detection
Each player can be, at any time, in contact with a variable number of player, the ground or nothing.
The simplest way to get started is to use only the sensor data, since they are tabular. Also it is apparently the solution currently used so it must be possible.
To predict a contact between players, we clearly need to use the sensor data for both of them: for instance a sustained contact probably implies a low relative speed. It is also likely that we want to predict the entire sequence of contact between two players at once, as the presence (or absence) of a contact at a given time is likely to affect the probability of a contact right after.
Features: No feature
Dummy classifier: the contact is 1 with probability the mean value of the column contact
in the train_labels.csv
Score: 0.0
- distance between players
- Decision tree or SVM with gridsearch
- Contacts are likely to have some have amount of auto-correlation, meaning that if a player is in contact (resp. not in contact) with another player. If that is true, this suggests we should use K-fold cross validation with
as a group - contacts are overall relatively rare: ~1.4% of all allowable contacts in the training set. If we use grouped K-fold cross-validation, we should probably consider insuring that contacts are not completely absent of some of the folds. If we train a binary classifier, it seems like a Stratified K-Folds with non-overlapping groups strategy is the most appropriate (
- distance between players
- relative speed between players
Model: Decision Tree classifier, no hyperparameter tuning
Score: 0.373
- distance between players
- relative speed between players
- are the players in the same team (boolean)
- is contact with ground (boolean)
Model: Decision Tree classifier, no hyperparameter tuning
Score: 0.442
- distance between players
- relative speed between players
- are the players in the same team (boolean)
- is contact with ground (boolean)
- raw features:
Model: XGBoost, Optuna
Score: 0.594
- distance between players
- relative speed between players
- are the players in the same team (boolean)
- is contact with ground (boolean)
- raw features:
- made cyclical features out of:
cos(orientation_<n> - directio_<n>_)
for single playerscos(orientation_1 - orientation_2)
for two players contacts
Model: XGBoost, Optuna
Score: 0.594
same as #4 but using matthews_corrcoeff
for scoring
Score: 0.599
Increasing number of cross validation splits from 3 to 5
Score: 0.597 not helping
using scale_pos_weight
parameters to handle class imbalance
surprisingly causes huge degradation in performance... 🤔
Score: 0.465
we try again but with 'roc_auc
' scoring
Score: ....
Optuna search with small number of trials seem to show that:
- creating an independent feature pipeline for ground contact and one for player contact doesn't improve performance
- creating two models, one for player contact and one for ground contact seems to help