1ab707d Merge branch 'main' into empty-table-append
5f231e9 Merge branch 'main' into empty-table-append
db6461f Merge branch 'main' into fix-colors
8f3f6e3 Merge pull request #70 from jorgerojas26/fix-colors
fa2c6be Merge pull request #72 from jorgerojas26/empty-table-append
f87ebfe Merge pull request #75 from ccoVeille/pre-commit
f801157 Merge pull request #76 from ccoVeille/golangci-lint
ff1e0e6 add a temporary fix to mysql driver GetTableColumns
a43d402 add build dependencies step on gh workflow
152cebe add dependencies installation to gh workflow
60c9a74 add explicit cgo_enabled to 1
cafc261 add sudo to installation commands
280d93e chore: fix import orders
76b10e5 chore: fix typos and style
6f22fa1 chore: no uppercase constant in Go
f0e8b75 chore: remove dot import and use type alias
2fb9a4f chore: remove else when previous if ends with a return
e6ff2b3 chore: remove suspicious blank imports
76f23b2 chore: remove type or default value when obvious
ff0a6f5 chore: use Go canonical way to return errors
0110f98 chore: use go initialism for variable name
9fa9e27 chore: use the canonical name for error variable
32801a9 ci: add golangci-lint configuration file
451cce7 ci: enable golang-lint in GitHub actions
eb50649 ci: enable more linters
f8c7934 disables cgo
dd94704 fix: add sqlite and postgres blank import drivers with a comment
54df60a fix: allows appending a new row to an empty table
5a45711 fix: catch errors reported by errcheck linter
b5c64eb fix: make sure to catch all errors in drivers
2b0ffc4 fix: make sure to use the database name when getting table columns
008661a fix: replaces sqlite3 package with a pure go one
702f080 fixes theme colors
f4cf9e6 fixes unused variable
47641fc set cgo_enabled to default value
You can’t perform that action at this time.