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This program produces a table of jitters measured when switching from slots of type 
 - Empty
 - Mode change
 - Regular
 - Sync
 - Continuation (with hold)
 - Optional

to slots of type
 - Regular
 - Optional
 - Sync
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jorge-real committed Aug 13, 2019
1 parent 0eb0267 commit effcdca
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Showing 3 changed files with 363 additions and 0 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions examples/main_c.adb
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with TTS_Example_C;
with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
with Ada.Real_Time;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with System;

procedure Main_C
with Priority => System.Priority'First
delay until Ada.Real_Time.Time_Last;
when E : others =>
Put_Line (Exception_Message (E));
end Main_C;
341 changes: 341 additions & 0 deletions examples/tts_example_c.adb
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with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with System; use System;

with Epoch_Support; use Epoch_Support;

with XAda.Dispatching.TTS;
with TT_Utilities;
with TT_Patterns;

package body TTS_Example_C is

Number_Of_Work_Ids : constant := 4;
Number_Of_Sync_Ids : constant := 2;

package TTS is new XAda.Dispatching.TTS
(Number_Of_Work_Ids, Number_Of_Sync_Ids, Priority'Last - 1);

package TT_Util is new TT_Utilities (TTS);
use TT_Util;

package TT_Patt is new TT_Patterns (TTS);
use TT_Patt;

-- Auxiliary for printing absolute times with respect to plan/cycle --
function Time_Str (T : Time) return String is
(Duration'Image ( To_Duration (T - TTS.Get_First_Plan_Release) * 1000) & " ms " &
"|" & Duration'Image ( To_Duration (T - TTS.Get_Last_Plan_Release) * 1000) & " ms ");

-- TT tasks --

-- Modular types to use cyclic phase counters. Each phase is a section of
-- the plan where we use a particular type of ending slot to measure jitter
-- in the next starting slot.
-- Ending slot types are empty, mode change, regular, sync, optional
-- and a continuation slot that requires holding. Starting slots are regular,
-- optional and sync.

type Mod_12 is mod 12;
type Mod_6 is mod 6;

type Stats_Data is
N : Natural := 0; -- Sample size so far
Max : Duration := 0.0; -- Maximum measured value
Min : Duration := Duration'Last; -- Minimum measured value
Avg : Duration := 0.0; -- Average
end record;

type Reg_Opt_Cases is array (Mod_12) of Stats_Data;
type Sync_Cases is array (Mod_6) of Stats_Data;

-- Stats data for all cases measured by task with this state.
-- Positions 0 to 11 of the array contain the stats data for the
-- following cases, respectively:
-- 0 => Em_Re; 1 => Em_Op;
-- 2 => Mo_Re; 3 => Mo_Op;
-- 4 => Re_Re; 5 => Re_Op;
-- 6 => Sy_Re; 7 => Sy_Op;
-- 8 => Op_Re; 9 => Op_Op
-- 10 => Ho_Re; 11 => Ho_Op;
-- Legend: Em = Empty; Re = Regular; Sy = Sync; M = Mode change
-- Op = Optional; Ho = Cont. with hold
RO_Data : Reg_Opt_Cases;

-- Stats data for cases measurted by sync task
Sy_Data : Sync_Cases;

-- State type for the task measuring jitter of regular and optional slots
type Reg_Opt_Task_State is new Simple_Task_State with
-- Cyclic counter for number of activation
Act_Counter : Mod_12 := 0;
end record;
procedure Initialize (S : in out Reg_Opt_Task_State) is null;
procedure Main_Code (S : in out Reg_Opt_Task_State);
type Any_Reg_Opt_Task_State is access all Reg_Opt_Task_State;

W1_State : aliased Reg_Opt_Task_State;

-- Worker 1: measures jitter of regular and optional slots
W1 : Simple_TT_Task
(Work_Id => 1, Task_State => W1_State'Access, Synced_Init => False);

procedure Main_Code (S : in out Reg_Opt_Task_State) is
Jitter : Duration;
D : Stats_Data; -- Stats data for the current phase
Jitter := To_Duration (Clock - S.Release_Time);
D := RO_Data (S.Act_Counter);
-- One more sample
D.N := D.N + 1;
-- Calculate average
D.Avg := (D.Avg * (D.N - 1) + Jitter) / D.N;
-- Update Max
if Jitter > D.Max then
D.Max := Jitter;
end if;
-- Update Min
if Jitter < D.Min then
D.Min := Jitter;
end if;
RO_Data (S.Act_Counter) := D;

S.Act_Counter := S.Act_Counter + 1;
end Main_Code;

-- State type for auxiliary task has null initialisation and main code
type Aux_Task_State is new Simple_Task_State with null record;
procedure Initialize (S : in out Aux_Task_State) is null;
procedure Main_Code (S : in out Aux_Task_State) is null;
type Any_Aux_Task_State is access all Aux_Task_State;

W2_State : aliased Aux_Task_State;

-- Worker 2 is an auxiliary simple task with no actions
W2 : Simple_TT_Task
(Work_Id => 2, Task_State => W2_State'Access, Synced_Init => False);

type Synced_State is new Simple_Task_State with
Act_Counter : Mod_6 := 0;
end record;
procedure Initialize (S : in out Synced_State) is null;
procedure Main_Code (S: in out Synced_State);

S1_State : aliased Synced_State;

-- Synced task to measure jitter of sync slots
S1 : Simple_Synced_ET_Task
(Sync_Id => 1, Task_State => S1_State'Access, Synced_Init => False);

procedure Main_Code (S : in out Synced_State) is
Jitter : Duration;
D : Stats_Data;
Jitter := To_Duration (Clock - S.Release_Time);
D := Sy_Data (S.Act_Counter);
-- One more sample
D.N := D.N + 1;
-- Calculate average
D.Avg := (D.Avg * (D.N - 1) + Jitter) / D.N;
-- Update Max
if Jitter > D.Max then
D.Max := Jitter;
end if;
-- Update Min
if Jitter < D.Min then
D.Min := Jitter;
end if;
Sy_Data (S.Act_Counter) := D;

S.Act_Counter := S.Act_Counter + 1;
end Main_Code;

S2_State: aliased Aux_Task_State;

-- Synced 2 is an auxiliary Synced task with null actions
S2 : Simple_Synced_ET_Task
(Sync_Id => 2, Task_State => S2_State'Access, Synced_Init => False);

type Aux_Sliced_Task_State is new Simple_Task_State with null record;
procedure Initialize (S : in out Aux_Sliced_Task_State) is null;
procedure Main_Code (S : in out Aux_Sliced_Task_State);

W3_State : aliased Aux_Sliced_Task_State;

-- Worker 3 is an auxiliary sliced task to causee "held" ending slots
W3 : Simple_TT_Task
(Work_Id => 3, Task_State => W3_State'Access, Synced_Init => False);

-- To make sliced task busy wait for a given time
procedure Main_Code (S : in out Aux_Sliced_Task_State) is
-- CPU time taken by main code of task = 1.5 slots for 10 ms slots
CPU_Interval : constant Time_Span := Milliseconds (15);
exit when Clock - S.Release_Time >= CPU_Interval;
end loop;
end Main_Code;

type Report_Task_State is new Simple_Task_State with null record;
procedure Initialize (S : in out Report_Task_State) is null;
procedure Main_Code (S : in out Report_Task_State);

W4_State : aliased Report_Task_State;

-- Worker 4 takes the final slot in the plan to print stats results
W4 : Simple_TT_Task
(Work_Id => 4, Task_State => W4_State'Access, Synced_Init => False);

type RO_Text_Labels is array (Mod_12) of String (1..2);
RO_Label : RO_Text_Labels := ("ER", "EO",
"MR", "MO",
"RR", "RO",
"SR", "SO",
"OR", "OO",
"HR", "HO");
type Sy_Text_Labels is array (Mod_6) of String (1..2);
Sy_Label : Sy_Text_Labels := ("ES", "MS", "RS", "SS", "OS", "HS");

-- Global max and min
G_Max : Duration := 0.0;
G_Min : Duration := Duration'Last;

procedure Main_Code (S : in out Report_Task_State) is
Max : Duration := 0.0;
Min : Duration := Duration'Last;
Put_Line (" -------- Times in milliseconds -------");
Put_Line ("| Tr Max Avg Min |");
Put_Line (" --------------------------------------");
for I in Mod_12 loop
Put (RO_Label(I) & ":" &
Duration'Image (RO_Data (I).Max * 1_000.0) &
Duration'Image (RO_Data (I).Avg * 1_000.0) &
Duration'Image (RO_Data (I).Min * 1_000.0));
if RO_Data (I).Max > Max then
Max := RO_Data (I).Max;
end if;
if RO_Data (I).Min < Min then
Min := RO_Data (I).Min;
end if;
end loop;
for I in Mod_6 loop
Put (Sy_Label (I) & ": " &
Duration'Image (Sy_Data (I).Max * 1_000.0) &
Duration'Image (Sy_Data (I).Avg * 1_000.0) &
Duration'Image (Sy_Data (I).Min * 1_000.0));
if Sy_Data (I).Max > Max then
Max := Sy_Data (I).Max;
end if;
if Sy_Data (I).Min < Min then
Min := Sy_Data (I).Min;
end if;
end loop;
Put_Line (" Max =" & Duration'Image (Max * 1_000.0) &
" Min =" & Duration'Image (Min * 1_000.0));

if G_Max < Max then
G_Max := Max;
end if;
if G_Min > Min then
G_Min := Min;
end if;
Put_Line ("GMax =" & Duration'Image (G_Max * 1_000.0) &
" GMin =" & Duration'Image (G_Min * 1_000.0));

Put_Line (" --------------------------------------");
end Main_Code;

ms : constant Time_Span := Milliseconds (1);

-- The TT plan
TT_Plan : aliased TTS.Time_Triggered_Plan :=
( TT_Slot (Empty, 10*ms ), -- #00
TT_Slot (Regular, 10*ms, 1), -- #01
TT_Slot (Empty, 10*ms ), -- #02
TT_Slot (Optional, 10*ms, 1), -- #03
TT_Slot (Empty, 10*ms ), -- #04
TT_Slot (Sync, 10*ms, 1), -- #05

TT_Slot (Mode_Change, 10*ms ), -- #06
TT_Slot (Regular, 10*ms, 1), -- #07
TT_Slot (Mode_Change, 10*ms ), -- #08
TT_Slot (Optional, 10*ms, 1), -- #09
TT_Slot (Mode_Change, 10*ms ), -- #10
TT_Slot (Sync, 10*ms, 1), -- #11

TT_Slot (Regular, 10*ms, 2), -- #12
TT_Slot (Regular, 10*ms, 1), -- #13
TT_Slot (Regular, 10*ms, 2), -- #14
TT_Slot (Optional, 10*ms, 1), -- #15
TT_Slot (Regular, 10*ms, 2), -- #16
TT_Slot (Sync, 10*ms, 1), -- #17

TT_Slot (Sync, 10*ms, 2), -- #18
TT_Slot (Regular, 10*ms, 1), -- #19
TT_Slot (Sync, 10*ms, 2), -- #20
TT_Slot (Optional, 10*ms, 1), -- #21
TT_Slot (Sync, 10*ms, 2), -- #22
TT_Slot (Sync, 10*ms, 1), -- #23

TT_Slot (Optional, 10*ms, 2), -- #24
TT_Slot (Regular, 10*ms, 1), -- #25
TT_Slot (Optional, 10*ms, 2), -- #26
TT_Slot (Optional, 10*ms, 1), -- #27
TT_Slot (Optional, 10*ms, 2), -- #28
TT_Slot (Sync, 10*ms, 1), -- #29

TT_Slot (Continuation, 10*ms, 3), -- #30
TT_Slot (Regular, 10*ms, 1), -- #31
TT_Slot (Terminal, 10*ms, 3), -- #32

TT_Slot (Continuation, 10*ms, 3), -- #33
TT_Slot (Optional, 10*ms, 1), -- #34
TT_Slot (Terminal, 10*ms, 3), -- #35

TT_Slot (Continuation, 10*ms, 3), -- #36
TT_Slot (Sync, 10*ms, 1), -- #37
TT_Slot (Terminal, 10*ms, 3), -- #38

TT_Slot (Regular, 10*ms, 4)); -- #39

procedure Main is
delay until Epoch_Support.Epoch;
TTS.Set_Plan (TT_Plan'Access);
delay until Ada.Real_Time.Time_Last;
end Main;

end TTS_Example_C;
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions examples/
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package TTS_Example_C is

procedure Main;

end TTS_Example_C;

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