This is a feature-packed Middleman project template. Essentially it is an evolving collection or regularly used helpers, models, mixins, frameworks and examples to aid with rapid static site generation.
Middleman is a static site generator based on Sinatra. Providing dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, Slim, CoffeeScript, and more). Makes minification, compression, cache busting, Yaml data (and more) an easy part of your development cycle.
Download and install into ~/.middleman (you'll have to create this directory if it's not already there). You can then use it with the --template
flag on middleman init
. For example: middleman init your-project --template=middleman-boilerplate
For more help follow Middleman's project template instructions.
- Middleman 3.0.6
- Middleman LiveReload
- Twitter Bootstrap 2.1.1
- HTML5 Boilerplate
- Bourbon SASS mixins
- Markdown support
- and more
- Finish Model examples
- Documentation