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Welcome to the Custom Tables Wiki

Custom Tables for Joomla is an extension that allows you to add custom database tables, fields and layouts.

It has different layouts (templates): catalogs, edit form or details page etc. And it fully support modern template language Twig.

It has 40 Field Types like Integer, Decimal, Text String, Date, Time, Email, Color, Image, File, Table Join, User, Language, etc. Edit Form Input boxes depend on the field type, Date field type will show a calendar, Color - Color Picker, Image - Image Uploader, etc.

Tables can be connected using Table Join field type (LEFT JOIN).

Layout Editor with Twig language has an Auto-Create button that will create a new layout based on the list of fields the table has.

Tables are stored in MySQL, Maria or PostgreeSQL databases, all queries and field values are sanitized.

How it works

Create a table and fields

Create Edit Form and Catalog Layouts to show table content on the front-end.

The layout is a template language for HTML code with special tags to output data from the table records.

When rendering catalog records, the tag will be replaced with the field value.

Example you have a field "producttitle", to output it's value type this:

<p>{{ producttitle }}</p>

Where <p></p> is the HTML paragraph tag. and {{ producttitle }} is the Twig tag that will return the field "producttitle" value.

Create Custom Table Catalog menu item, select table, catalog layout, edit form layout and configure other settings such as access level, etc.


When creating a new Custom Table, it is important to, first of all, get the schema right. This won't be difficult to change afterwards. The schema is like the blueprint for the table. We need to define each field (column) along with its parameters.