Collection of my projects that I did in the course Tölvugrafík (Computer graphics). All of the projects are made with WebGL, a JavaScript API.
3D Tetris but with blocks made out of three cubes but not four like regular Tetris.
The GitHub repo for the project.
Running version.
A fish tank with fishes swimming in their own directions at their own speed. Pressing A the fishes will allign to each other and swim at the same speed.
The GitHub repo for the project.
Running version.
The classic game Pong. Made for one player where he controls both paddles at the same time with the arrows. A point appears regulary and the game speeds up as you collect more points.
The GitHub repo for the project.
Running version.
Exercise 2 - Change the room from Heimaverkefni 6 so it has a grass textured floor and 20 randomly placed tree crosses. Controls are WASD and spin with the mouse.
Running version.
Exercise 4 - Change the given WebGL program so it has not only a wall and floor but also four walls and a ceiling with textures. Rotate view with the mouse and walk around with WASD.
Running version.
Exercise 5 - Create a flagpole where the flag is a square with a texture on it.
Running version.
Exercise 1 - Change the given robot arm so it has one more section and put limits on how far all parts are allowed to rotate or pivot.
Running version.
Exercise 3 - Make a stool from 5 cubes by moving and scaling them.
Running version.
Exercise 4 - Make a solarsystem with the Sun, Earth, Moon and a satelight around the moon.
Running version.
Exercise 5 - Make spining helicopter blades from two cubes.
Running version.
Exercise 4 - A spining square that changes it's size if you click and drag.
Running version.
Exercise 5 - Make a function that makes an object keep spinning once the user spins and lets go. Slowly the spin fades out and the object returns to normal.
Running version.
Exercise 1 - Sierpinski triangle with varying probability for the points.
Running version.
Exercise 2 - Circle made with the triangle fan option in WebGL.
Running version.
Exercise 5 - A "house" made in two different ways, one with triangles and one with triangle strip.
Running version 1.
Running version 2.
Run a given WebGL program and increase the number of points.
Running version.