Proxy server and process manager for developing web apps inspired by invoker and overmind.
Warning this is still very much a work in progress, there are a lot of rough edges.
HomeBrew or LinuxBrew:
brew tap jonmast/oxidux
brew install oxidux
Manual: Download the latest release for your platform and place it in your PATH.
Note: Windows isn't supported at this time, but I'm happy to assist if someone wants to work on porting it.
You'll also need:
- Tmux - all apps are run within a tmux session.
The dev-tld-resolver tool is
recommended for resolving *.test
domains to localhost. You'll need to add
environment variable to enable support for
Oxidux can be run manually from the terminal, but using SystemD socket activation is recommended. See example socket and service files.
These files should be added to the /etc/systemd/system/
directory and
enabled with the following commands:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable oxidux.socket
sudo systemctl start oxidux.socket
Oxidux has a builtin DNS resolver. Add the following config to
port 6153
Starting via Launchd is recommended. See example plist file.
The plist file should be added to ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
and loaded with the
following command:
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/oxidux.plist
# config.toml
# The proxy server will run on this port. Ignored if socket activation is used.
proxy_port = 80
# DNS server port for MacOS. Also ignored with socket activation.
dns_port = 6153
# TLD for apps. Defaults to "test".
domain = "test"
Each app should have a config file in ~/.oxidux/apps
. Example:
# ~/.oxidux/apps/my-app.toml
# Unique identifer and domain for app (this will be available at "my-app.test")
# App root directory
directory = "/path/to/app/"
# Commands to start app processes
# dynamically generated port is passed in as an environment variable
commands = { web = "scripts/server -p $PORT", worker = "scripts/worker" }
# Alternatively, load commands from Procfile on app directory
procfile = true
# Alternate domains for app
aliases = ["othername", "yetanother"]
From the app directory, run
oxidux restart # Restart all processes for app
# Or
oxidux restart web # Restart just the process named "web"
The terminal will be connected to the Tmux session for that process.
From the app directory, run
oxidux connect web
Connects to the Tmux session for a given process. If the process name is omitted the first process for the app will be used.
Licensed under GPL version 3 or later, see LICENSE.