Command line tools to create and package Crosswalk applications. The license for this project is Apache License Version 2.0, please refer to the LICENSE-APACHE-V2 included with the package.
Crosswalk-app-tools is in early stages of development, and not suitable for use in a production environment. Preliminary releases and announcements are made available as a technology preview only. No packages are being published at this time, but git tags serve as reference points for release milestones.
Crosswalk-app-tools is cross-platform by virtue of being based on Node.js. However at this point most testing is done on Linux, so we expect the least number of hickups there. In any case we have seen reports of successful runs on Apple OS X, and are looking forward to hearing about adventurous individuals giving it a spin on Microsoft Windows as well. (But be warned that there are known problems with proxy support on Windows, for starters)
The following components are required
- Android SDK with 5.0 (target-21) installed
- Java JDK and Apache Ant
- Node.js and NPM
The best way to check if a machine has all the required dependencies is to create and build a plain empty Android app on the system. If this does not work, then building Crosswalk apps will not succeed either.
android create project -a MainActivity -k -p -t android-21
ant debug
In order to get the crosswalk-app
script available everywhere, global npm installation is required. On most Linux distributions this can be achieved by using sudo
sudo npm install -g crosswalk-app-tools
Crosswalk Application Project and Packaging Tool
crosswalk-app create <package-id> Create project <package-id>
crosswalk-app build [release|debug] Build project to create packages
Defaults to debug when not given
crosswalk-app update <channel>|<version> Update Crosswalk to latest in named
channel, or specific version
crosswalk-app help Display usage information
crosswalk-app version Display version information
Options for platform 'android'
For command 'create'
--android-crosswalk Channel name (stable/beta/canary)
or version number (w.x.y.z)
Environment Variables
CROSSWALK_APP_TOOLS_CACHE_DIR Keep downloaded files in this dir
crosswalk-app create
: This sets up a skeleton project in directory, downloads and imports Crosswalk, and puts a sample "hello world" web app under
and then crosswalk-app build
builds packages. The APKs can be found under pkg/ when done.
crosswalk-app update stable
updates Crosswalk to the latest version available in the stable channel.
- This is alpha stage software and under continuous development. We encourage trying it and appreciate feedback, but use in a production environment is not supported at this point in time.
- Download:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
cd crosswalk-app-tools
, thennpm install
, andcd ..
- The main script is
. Set environment PATH or invoke with directory.