A little project made to pass time. A connect four game with a Web interface based on EMOJI (Client folder). All the logic of the game is taken care by a little RESTFULL server in Python (Server Folder).
Web application communicating with the game server. Made with jQuery beause Javascript is cool, but jQuery is cooler (but not cold). Designed with Bootsrap because la flemme de faire du CSS and emojis support with Emoji CSS. Toast notifications with toastr and favicon notifications with favico.js. Copy to clipboard handled with clipboard.js.
Theorically responsive, excepted for people using their phone in landscape.
Client constantly sends AJAX requests to game server and displays current game board and status messages.
Use XAMPP for local debug with an Apache server and full support of URL rewriting. Demonstration available on https://techiteasy.ch/game.
Open game.html in your favorite browser or http://localhost/[connectFourDirectory]/client/game when using XAMPP. You can then start a new game.
Invitation URL
This link has to be sent to a friend to play with him. The web application provides a button to copy this url to the clipboard.
Game url
When a party is created/joined, user is automatically redirected to this url. This one allows user to reload game all he wants.
The server and server launch automatisation script are made with python, python 3 is needed and since some library are used, pip3 is also needed. Finally for cairosvg (python lib see above) we need to install libcairo2-dev.
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev
The python dependency are flask (rest server), flask-cors (the api is compatible with CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)) and emoji(old GUI but keep it for nostalgia), matplotlib (statistics plot of the game), pytz (timezone for python), svgwrite (cause we do svg yes), cairocffi (for cairosvg), cairosvg (we still do svg yes) and requests to do http request.
sudo pip3 install flask
sudo pip3 install emoji
sudo pip3 install matplotlib
sudo pip3 install flask-cors
sudo pip3 install pytz
sudo pip3 install svgwrite
sudo pip3 install cairocffi
sudo pip3 install cairosvg
sudo pip3 install requests
If you want to test your server on the web and not only in local, you can use ngrok or serveo, the use of those are described above. To install ngrok follow the instruction here: https://ngrok.com/download.
For using serveo, you only need ssh! No other installation needed. In our case, autossh is used to auto-reconnect to ssh if the connection is aborted.
sudo apt-get install autossh
The server has a code that is ment to be called every day: mailSendingTask.py
For this purpose, you have to configure your email smpt parameter. To do so, you have to create a file /con/mailConf.json
containing some authentication data. An empty example is here: /conf/mailConf-Empty.json
Launch the server with python flask_four_in_a_row.py
Link the server to ngrok client with ngrok tcp -region eu 5002
, the output from ngrok will give you the port to use in the Web GUI.
Link the server to serveo subdomain with ssh -R myCustomSubdomain.serveo.net:80:localhost:5002 serveo.net
, the server is now redirected to myCustomSubdomain.serveo.net
In the server directory you can find a python script scriptConnectFour.py. This script is usefull if you want to put the server on a micro-computer like for example a raspberry pi.
This script will
- do 2 serveo binding
- first one for the localhost:5002 (where the server will be running)
- second for the localhost:22 (yes it's for using ssh, amazing)
- do a ngrok binding also for ssh buuuuuuut, this one is used mostly to use sftp (since we already have ssh with serveo but I still haven't found how to use it with sftp...)
- also the script will call the ngrok api to get the url port where its redirected
- and with this info, it will save it in a little file (path on top of scriptConnectFour.py) so you can find it easily π
Here are described all the actual available route of the RESTFULL server
- Default
- Game mechanic
- Chat
- Statistics
- Get Board
- Troll API
- Deprecated
Will redirect to this github page
Create a new connect four game, will return the unique gameID and playerID in JSON format.
"gameID": "qIFLoJhBpD",
"playerID": "eulqlCWflc"
Join an already existing connect four game by its gameID, will return the unique gameID and playerID in JSON format.
"gameID": "qIFLoJhBpD",
"playerID": "OBNSH31118"
Tell that a player quited a game. Michel can't implement it in his web app... So not used... But works though
Answer example formated in JSON Actual route to play the game, need to indicate which player is playing (0,1) and which row did he choose.
Example of answer formated in JSON if in case of success
"currentPlayer": "0",
"grid": "xxxxxxx\nx02xxxx\nx02xxxx\nx02xxxx\nx12xxxx\nx001xxx\n",
"id": "1",
"isWin": "1",
"player0Emoji": "em-butterfly",
"player0Status": true,
"player1Emoji": "em-bulb",
"player1Status": true
Example of answer formated in JSON if in case of error
Example of answer formated in JSON
"currentPlayer": "0",
"grid": "xxxxxxx\nx02xxxx\nx02xxxx\nx02xxxx\nx12xxxx\nx001xxx\n",
"id": "1",
"isWin": "1",
"player0Emoji": "em-butterfly",
"player0Status": true,
"player1Emoji": "em-bulb",
"player1Status": true
You can change the emoji of the player defined by its playerID and give the new Emoji you want to use by its ref in emojiCssRef defined by Emoji CSS.
Reset Game, no answer
You can send a message in the chat with a post request. CORS request are supported. Expected request:
Content-Type: application/json
{"text":"This is my message", "playerID":"as4D266PDY"}
Admin can send a message too in the chat of a specific game with a post request. CORS request are supported. Expected request:
Content-Type: application/json
{"text":"This is my message", "gameID":"yztrXfBQwN"}
I love statistics, so I added statistics! You can have data about the current online game, some overall statistics and statistics about today's game! Yeah I know pretty awesome!
gameIdList: {
Th9YWZFnjK: {
isWin: -1,
messages: [],
numberOfGame: 1,
player0Emoji: "em-butterfly",
player0Status: true,
player1Emoji: "em-bulb",
player1Status: true,
playersID: ["wNGpenPFTo",
gameKilled: 170,
gameKilledToday: 1,
gameKilledWithoutJoin: 71,
gameKilledWithoutJoinToday: 0,
gameSinceStartup: 171,
gameToday: 2,
ipLocation: {
-: 1,
CH-Bern: 3,
CH-None: 1,
CH-Valais: 4,
US-None: 4,
US-Virginia: 2
ipLocationToday: {
CH-Bern: 1,
CH-Valais: 1,
US-None: 2,
US-Virginia: 1
ipRequestsNumber: {
CH-Bern: 895,
CH-Valais: 3031,
US-None: 2
ipRequestsNumberToday: {
CH-Bern: 895,
CH-Valais: 3031,
US-None: 2
meanPlayedGame: 1.147058823529412,
meanPlayedGameToday: 1,
offlinePlayer: 0,
onlineGame: 1,
onlinePlayer: 2,
severOnline: "2018-12-26 18:22:37.716929",
severStart: "2019-03-26 13:15:43.287277"
It is completly similar to /getDataFromGames
, will return the same outputs, but this one is ment to be call everyday to reset all the day related statistics.
I told you, I like statistics, but what is better than just statistics? Graphs with statistics! the gameSessionPlayed graph give you the mean of played session overall, the mean of played session today and the amount of game session played for all online game.
The software store everyday the output of /getDataFromGames
and so, with /getGraph/graphStatistic
, you can have a graph of some of those statistics in function of the time. The size parameter is to restrain the amount of data you will get. If size = 0, will get all the data stored (not the best thing to do).
Same result as /getGraph/gameSessionPlayed but in SVG.
Same result as /getGraph/graphStatistic but in SVG.
Give the data of /getGraph/graphStatistic but in JSON format.
"dates": ["28-02-2019", "01-03-2019", "02-03-2019", "03-03-2019", "04-03-2019"],
"gameKilledToday": [3, 1, 9, 3, 8],
"gameKilledWithoutJoinToday": [2, 0, 3, 1, 0],
"gameToday": [3, 1, 9, 3, 8],
"meanPlayedGameToday": [0.6666666666666666, 1.0, 0.6666666666666666, 2.3333333333333335, 1.625]
Will retrurn a simple image of the board designed by the game ID.
Same as getPngBoard but in svg Format.
Will fill randomly the game of a player aimed by it's playerID.
The player with the id playerID will have the same emoji as its opponent
You can guess what will this one do. Yes blank emoji is the same emoji as the grid, oups. β¬
You can guess what will this one do too. π©
Deprecated Shitty example version of the connect four board, works in browser, example of the UI just below
Deprecated version of the /play
(see above). Is switching between player automatically and same output as /getShittyEmojiGame
Here is a coding unicorn for you :)