Releases: jonataslaw/getx
getx 4.6.1
Fix GetConnect on Flutter web
Getx 4.6.0
Add useInheritedMediaQuery to GetMaterialApp and GetCupertinoApp (@davidhole)
Add Circular reveal Transition (@parmarravi)
Add request to failed response (@heftekharm)
Fix internationalization with only country code (@codercengiz)
Add GetTickerProviderStateMixin when multiple AnimationController objects are used (@NatsuOnFire)
Add the followRedirects and maxRedirects fields to the Request object (@wei53881)
Fix to rx.trigger fires twice (@gslender)
Add proxy setting support to GetConnect (@jtans)
Fix markAsDirty used on permanent controllers (@zenalex)
Update Korean readme (@dumbokim)
Getx 4.5.1
[4.5.1] -
Fix Snackbar when it have action and icon the same time
[4.5.0] - Big Update
To have a context-free, page-agnostic snackbar, we used OverlayRoute to display a partial route. However this had several problems:
1: There was no possibility to close the page without closing the snackbar 2: Get.back() could cause problems with tests of Get.isSnackbarOpen not being properly invoked 3: Sometimes when using iOS popGesture with an open snackbar, some visual inconsistency might appear. 4: When going to another route, the snackbar was not displayed on the new page, and if the user clicked on the new route as soon as he received a Snackbar, he could not read it.
We remade the Snackbar from scratch, having its Api based on Overlay, and now opening a Snackbar won't be tied to a route, you can normally navigate routes while a Snackbar is shown at the top (or bottom), and even the PopGesture of the iOS is not influenced by it.
Using Get.back() is handy, it's a small command, which closes routes, dialogs, snackbars, bottomsheets, etc, however Getx 5 will prioritize code safety, and splitting will reduce the check code as well. Currently we have to check if a snackbar is open, to close the snackbar and prevent the app from going back a page, all this boilerplate code will be removed, at the cost of having what it closes in front of Get.back command.
For backwards compatibility, Get.back() still works for closing routes and overlays, however two new commands have been added: Get.closeCurrentSnackbar() and Get.closeAllSnackbars(). Maybe we will have a clearer api in GetX 5, and maybe Get.back() will continue to do everything like it does today. The community will be consulted about the desired api. However version 5 will definitely have commands like: Get.closeCurrentSnackbar, Get.closeCurrentDialog etc. There is also the possibility to close a specific snackbar using the return of Get.snackbar, which will no longer return a void, and now return a SnackbarController.
Snackbars now also have a Queue, and no longer stack one on top of the other, preventing viewing. GetX now has flexible, customizable, route-independent, and completely stable Snackbars.
Fixed bugs where the snackbar showed an error in debug mode for a fraction of a second. We found that Flutter has a bug with blur below 0.001, so we set the minimum overlayBlur value to this value if it is ==true.
Errors with internationalization were also fixed, where if you are in UK, and the app had the en_US language, you didn't have American English by default. Now, if the country code is not present, it will automatically fetch the language code before fetching a fallbackLanguage.
Update locale also now returns a Future, allowing you to perform an action only when the language has already changed (@MHosssam)
We are very happy to announce that GetX is now documented in Japanese as well, thanks to (@toshi-kuji)
GetX has always been focused on transparency. You can tell what's going on with your app just by reading the logs on the console. However, these logs shouldn't appear in production, so it now only appears in debug mode (@maxzod)
@maxzod has also started translating the docs into Arabic, we hope the documentation will be complete soon.
Some remaining package logs have been moved to Get.log (@gairick-saha)
RxList.removeWhere received performance optimizations (@zuvola)
Optimizations in GetConnect and added the ability to modify all request items in GetConnect (@rodrigorahman)
The current route could be inconsistent if a dialog were opened after a transition, fixed by @xiangzy1
Fixed try/catch case missed in socket_notifier (@ShookLyngs)
Also we had fixes in the docs: @DeathGun3344 @pinguluk
GetX also surpassed the incredible mark of more than 7000 likes, being the most liked package in all, went from 99% to 100% popularity, and has more than 5.3k stars on github. Documentation is now available in 12 languages, and we're happy for all the engagement from your community.
This update is a preparation update for version 5, which will be released later this year.
Breaking and Depreciation: GetBar is now deprecated, use GetSnackbar instead. dismissDirection now gets a DismissDirection, making the Snackbar more customizable.
Getx 4.3.5
update to 4.3.5
Getx 4.2.0
[4.2.0] - Big update
This update fixes important bugs as well as integrates with Navigator 2. It also adds GetRouterOutlet, similar to angular RouterOutlet thanks to @ahmednfwela. Also, the documentation translation for Vietnamese (@khangahs) has been added, making the GetX documentation available for 11 different languages, which is just fantastic for any opensource project. GetX has achieved more than 5.4k likes from the pub, and more than 4k stars on github, has videos about it with 48k on youtube, and has communities in the 4 hemispheres of the earth, besides having a large list of contributors as you see bellow. We're all happy to facilitate development with dart and flutter, and that making programming hassle-free has been taken around the world.
Changes in this version:
Fix: Navigating to the same page with Get.offNamed does not delete the controller from that page using Get.lazyPut.
Fix Readme GetMiddleware typos
by @nivisi -
Fix url replace error
by @KevinZhang19870314 -
Changed response default encoding from latin1 to utf8
by @heftekharm -
Add Duration in ExtensionBottomSheet
by @chanonpingpong -
Added compatibility with dart-lang/mockito
by @lifez -
Added extensions methods to convert value in percent value
by @kauemurakami -
Set darkTheme equal theme when darkTheme is null
by @eduardoflorence -
Add padding to 'defaultDialog'
by @KevinZhang19870314 -
GraphQLResponse inherit Response info
by @jasonlaw -
Fix Redundant concatenating base url
by @jasonlaw -
Add content type and length into the headers when the content type is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
by @calvingit -
Make withCredentials configurable
by @jasonlaw -
Fix flutter 2.0 error
by @yunchiri -
Allow deleting all registered instances
by @lemps -
Refactor/rx interface notify children
@by kranfix -
Fixed parameter parsing and middleware sorting
by @ahmednfwela -
Improvements to router outlet
by @ahmednfwela -
Minor improvements and bug fixes
by @ahmednfwela -
Adding route guards and improving navigation
by @ahmednfwela -
Fix RxInterface.proxy losing its previous value on exception
by @WillowWisp -
Added dispose() for bottomSheet.
by @furkankurt -
Added Pull request template
by @unacorbatanegra -
Fix and update documentation:
Getx 4.1.2
update pubspec
Getx 4.0.0
update to 4.0
GetX 3.25.0
- Added [reload] and [reloadAll] methods to reload your Controller to original values
- Added [FullLifeCycleController] - A GetxController capable of observing all the life cycles of your application. FullLifeCycleController has the life cycles:
- onInit: called when the controller enters the application's memory
- onReady: called after onInit, when build method from widget relationed to controller is done.
- onClose: called when controller is deleted from memory.
- onPaused: called when the application is not currently visible to the user, and running in the background.
- onInactive: called when the application is in an inactive state and is not receiving user input, when the user receives a call, for example
- onResumed: The application is now visible and in the foreground
- onDetached: The application is still hosted on a flutter engine but is detached from any host views.
- didChangeMetrics: called when the window size is changed
- Added SuperController, a complete life circle controller with StateMixin
- Improve Iterable Rx Api. Now, you can to use dart List, Map and Set as reactive, like: List names = ['juan', 'pedro', 'maria'].obs;
- Added assign and assignAll extensions to default dart List
- Added parameters options from Get.toNamed, Get.offNamed, and Get.offAllNamed (@enghitalo)
- Improve Rx disposal logic to completely prevent memory leaks
- Improve Capitalize methods from GetUtils (@eduardoflorence)
- Prevent a close snackbar from close a Screen with double tap (@eduardoflorence)
- Includes GetLifeCycleBase mixin on delete/dispose (@saviogrossi)
- Added internacionalization example to sample app (@rodriguesJeff)
- Added headers to Graphql query and mutation(@asalvi0)
- Added translation with parameter extension (@CpdnCristiano)
- Added Get.parameter access to Middleware (@eduardoflorence)
- Fix RxBool typo (@emanuelmutschlechner)
- Added Filter to GetBuilder
- Added debouce to GetBuilder update
- Added ability to insert an Enum, class, or type of an object as a GetBuilder's Id
- Improve upload time from GetConnect
- Create minified version to DartPad(@roipeker)
- Suggested to use => Page())
. - Added more status codes to GetConnect (@romavic)
- Fix and improve docs: @unacorbatanegra, @lsm, @nivisi, @ThinkDigitalSoftware, @martwozniak, @UsamaElgendy, @@DominusKelvin, @jintak0401, @goondeal
getx 3.23.1
Merge pull request #917 from SchabanBo/master Fix example test #916
GetX 3.21.2
update to 3.21.2