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Streamlining demo 1 (now only simple bucket) - putting public demo to… #155

Streamlining demo 1 (now only simple bucket) - putting public demo to…

Streamlining demo 1 (now only simple bucket) - putting public demo to… #155

Workflow file for this run

name: provision-aws
on: [push]
BUCKET_NAME: spring2024-bucket
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: 'eu-central-1'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@master
# Using branch unique name for our bucket to prevent interfering jobs
# But we need to split out the branch name, see
# otherwise we'll run into errors like: 'compose resources: cannot associate composed resources with Composition resource templates: cannot get composed resource: invalid resource name "spring2024-bucket-renovate/": [may not contain '/']'
- name: Split branch name
BRANCH: ${{ github.ref_name }}
id: split
run: echo "::set-output name=branchbucketsuffix::${BRANCH##*/}"
- name: Spin up kind
run: |
echo "### Create kind cluster"
kind create cluster --image "kindest/node:$KIND_NODE_VERSION" --wait 5m
echo "### Let's try to access our kind cluster via kubectl"
kubectl get nodes
- name: Install crossplane via Helm & install crossplane CLI
run: |
echo "### Install crossplane via Helm"
helm dependency update crossplane-install
helm upgrade --install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-install --create-namespace
echo "### Install crossplane CLI"
curl -sL "" | sh
sudo mv crossplane /usr/local/bin
- name: Check crossplane status
run: |
helm list -n crossplane-system
echo "### Wait for crossplane to become ready before installing Providers"
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=crossplane --namespace crossplane-system --timeout=120s
kubectl get all -n crossplane-system
- name: Configure crossplane to access AWS (now using Upbound official AWS Provider Families)
run: |
echo "### Create aws-creds.conf file"
echo "[default]
aws_access_key_id = $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws_secret_access_key = $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
" > aws-creds.conf
echo "### Create AWS Provider secret"
kubectl create secret generic aws-creds -n crossplane-system --from-file=creds=./aws-creds.conf
echo "### Install the crossplane Upbound AWS S3 Provider Family"
kubectl apply -f upbound/provider-aws-s3/config/provider-aws-s3.yaml
kubectl get
echo "### Wait until AWS Provider is up and running"
kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy --timeout=180s provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3
echo "### Create ProviderConfig to consume the Secret containing AWS credentials"
kubectl apply -f upbound/provider-aws-s3/config/provider-config-aws.yaml
echo "### Get overall provider status"
kubectl get provider
# Not using kubectl apply -f upbound/provider-aws-s3/claim.yaml currently to prevent jobs from interfering with each other
- name: Create XRD, Composition & Claim to create S3 Bucket (now using Upbound official AWS Provider Families)
run: |
echo "### Create CompositeResourceDefinition (XRD)"
kubectl apply -f upbound/provider-aws-s3/definition.yaml
kubectl get xrd
echo "### Wait for XRD to become Offered"
kubectl wait --for=condition=Offered --timeout=120s xrd
echo "### Create Composition"
kubectl apply -f upbound/provider-aws-s3/composition.yaml
echo "### Create Claim, which should create S3 Bucket (inline here to prevent jobs from interfering with each other)"
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: ObjectStorage
namespace: default
name: managed-upbound-s3
name: objectstorage-composition
bucketName: "$BUCKET_NAME-${{ steps.split.outputs.branchbucketsuffix }}"
region: eu-central-1
echo "### Show crossplane overall status"
kubectl get crossplane
echo "### Trace status of AWS S3 Bucket"
crossplane beta trace -o wide
echo "### Wait until Claim & XR (Composite) are ready (giving it 6mins, since resources consumption of the AWS Upbound provider seems to be way higher than the crossplane-contrib one)"
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=360s claim managed-upbound-s3
echo "### Trace status of AWS S3 Bucket"
crossplane beta trace -o wide
- name: Upload index.html to S3 and check deployment works
run: |
echo "### Upload index.html to Bucket via AWS CLI"
aws s3 sync static "s3://$BUCKET_NAME-${{ steps.split.outputs.branchbucketsuffix }}" --acl public-read
echo "### Access S3 Bucket static website"
curl "http://$BUCKET_NAME-${{ steps.split.outputs.branchbucketsuffix }}"
- name: Delete index.html and remove Claim for S3 Bucket deletion
run: |
echo "### Delete index.html from S3 Bucket"
aws s3 rm "s3://$BUCKET_NAME-${{ steps.split.outputs.branchbucketsuffix }}/index.html"
echo "### Remove CompositeResourceClaim to delete S3 Bucket"
kubectl delete -f upbound/provider-aws-s3/claim.yaml
echo "### Give the deletion process some time by having a look into the crossplane status"
kubectl get crossplane