Utility to save the Windows 10 lock screen images to a configurable folder.
The first time the utility runs it will create a config.ini file if it doesn't already exist.
By default, the utility will copy landscape images that it finds in the lock screen folder to "C:\Temp". The source and destination folders can be controlled by editing the config.ini. If you want the destination folder to be something other than "C:\Temp" then create a config.ini and set the desired destination folder.
Sample config.ini:
destination = C:\some\path\to\a\folder
You can also use environment variables when specifying the destination, e.g.
If the utility encounters errors while processing files in the source folder, it will save the filename to the config.ini file in an ignored files list, so that it won't be processed again the next time the utility runs.
NOTE: The utility will overwrite files in the destination folder with ones from the source folder every time it runs.