Learning project for Azure Kubernetes Service, Helm, Kafka and Azure Table Storage. Load testing with Locust.
Install Python3 using chocolatey (as administrator)
choco install python3
Create a virtual environment called venv
python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment
Install the requirements in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open a command prompt with the virtual environment activated. Shortcut to do this is to just double-click "!_SHELL.cmd".
Run flask locally
cd containers\uwsgi-server
python server.py
Or run the app using Kubernetes, with uWSGI as the app server and NGINX as the reverse proxy.
kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yaml
Run one of the following curl commands (Kubernetes):
curl localhost:30001
curl localhost:30001/time
Run one of the following curl commands (Flask dev):
curl localhost:5000
curl localhost:5000/time
Create another virtual environment for the locust test and install requirements. Then run:
cd load-test
python -m locust
The web interface will spin up and is locally accessible at http://localhost:8089
Monitor the horizontal pod autoscaler and the nodes with the following:
kubectl get hpa -w
kubectl get nodes -w