The native implementation of the SimPhoNy cuds objects and io code (
Simphony-common is hosted on github:
- enum34 >= 1.0.4
- stevedore >= 1.2.0
- numpy >= 1.11.1
To support the HDF5 based native IO:
- PyTables >= 3.1.1
To support the documentation built you need the following packages:
- sphinx >= 1.3.1
- mock
Packages that depend on the optional features and use setuptools should
append the H5IO
and/or CUBAGen
identifier next to
simphony in their setup_requires
configuration option. For example:
install_requires = ["simphony[H5IO, CUBAGen]"]
Will make sure that the requirements of H5IO and CUBAGen support are installed. (see setuptools extras for more information)
The package requires python 2.7.x, installation is based on setuptools:
# build and install python install
# build for in-place development python develop
To run the full test-suite run:
python -m unittest discover -p test*
To build the documentation in the doc/build directory run:
python build_sphinx
If you recreate the uml diagrams you need to have java and xdot installed:
sudo apt-get install default-jre xdot
A copy of the plantuml.jar needs also to be
available in the :file:`doc/` folder. Running make uml
the :file:`doc/` directory will recreate all the UML diagrams.
- One can use the --help option with a command to see all available options.
- The documentation will be saved in the :file:`./build` directory.
- Not all the png files of the UML diagrams are used.
There are four subpackages:
- core -- used for common low level classes and utility code
- cuds -- to hold all the native cuds implementations
- io -- to hold the io specific code
- bench -- holds basic benchmarking code
- examples -- holds SimPhoNy example code
- doc -- Documentation related files
- source -- Sphinx rst source files
- build -- Documentation build directory, if documentation has been generated
using the
script in thedoc
The simphony
library is the core component of the SimPhoNy
Framework; information on setting up the framework is provided on a
separate repository
The data structures used in this project are based on the metadata which is defined in a separate repository called simphony-metadata
located at:
In order to reflect latest changes to the metadata repository, one should regenerate these entities. The generator is hosted in the repository simphony-metatools located at: . The generator is used to recreate the python classes in simphony/cuds/meta.
After installing the dev_requirements, rebuild the meta classes by issuing the following command:
$ python build_meta
The command will rebuild the classes against the simphony-metadata repository tag as written in setup.cfg build_meta/repotag entry.