Multiplayer online game using Phaser + WebSocket (Socket.IO).
1. Mouse
- Left: move
- Right: fire
2. Keyboard
- Up: move
- Left / Right: rotate
- Spacebar: fire
- Install Node.js
- Install Nodemon Bower Gulp:
npm install -g nodemon yarn bower pm2
- Install dependencies:
yarn && bower install
Build client side
- dev: `yarn`
- prod: `yarn build`
Start server side
- dev: `nodemon app.js --watch app.js`
- prod: `pm2 start app.js`
1. Code guideline & Naming we use
1.1 Base javascript style: [Airbnb](
1.2 Function should return only one type
- getName: string, '' (default)
- getRandomInt: number, 0 (default)
- getPlayers: Array, [] (default)
- getPlayer: Object, {} (default)
except getIndex
- getIndexOfPlayer: number, -1 (default)
2. Naming
- Function / scope variable: `camelCase`
- Global variable: `UPPERCASE`
- Class: `PascalCase`
3. Creature
- Monster
- Zombie
- Machine
- Bat
- Hero
- Player / Enemy
4. Socket
- Send to specific client: IO.sockets.connected[socketId].emit(EVENT_NAME, data);
- Send to all clients: IO.emit(EVENT_NAME, data);
- Send to all clients except newly created connection: socket.broadcast.emit(EVENT_NAME, data);
5. Event flow
Anything's related with `life` directly, is need to broadcast first then
take effect from subsequent request. (currently, there are only 2 events
(move / fire) that can execute on client before broadcasting)
6. CommonJs
- All game calculation should be calculated on server-side
- Define structure of sending-object and response-object from server
- Send player-event to server (not data-object)
- Check
again - Make all functions functional
- Remove all
- Add
event: the player is already gone, but it's still in the game (cause from network issue) - Using MessagePack instead of JSON
- Respawn delay
- Redirect all pages to root (cause we only use root page)
- Update bubble/message graphic, 1
- Add deploy shell script
- Day / Night system
- Implement
- minimap, 1, 2, 3
- Responsive (support mobile / tablet user)
- Support screen when resizing
- Score board (Leader board)
- Cache
- Knockback when creature is hitted
- Add test (TDD) with test-task-runner, 1
- QA - Analysis / Optimize / Profiling / ETC (e.g. sonarqube)
- Sound
- Effect / Screen transition / Screen shake
- Fix - Creature is damaged and welled in the same time
- Arrow / Laser is killed when hit stoneGroup
- Room / Channel (able to create private room), 1, 2, 3
- Add social meta / share
- Bot player
- Tween: player move
- Hero can collect item in the floor
- Other class (e.g. Swordsman)
- Monster path finder, 1, 2, 3
- Creature sight feature, 1, 2, 3
- Monster walk - random walk
- Monster can be fired, welled
- Talkable monster
- Tween: monster move
- Inspired by Blocker
- phaser-multiplayer-game
- phaser-screen-shake
- Text to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG)
- phaser-state-transition
- Tiled Map Editor
- Generate id, 1, 2, 3, 4
- Remove / Generate client id