This is the source code for the next generation of the website - a resource set up to allow events to get real-time feedback from those attending. It also gives speakers a way to claim and track their presentations over time.
This version is the next generation version, providing a responsive cross-device site for screens of all devices
You can either install on an existing PHP platform, or use our vagrant setup. welcomes all contributors regardless of your ability or experience. We especially welcome you if you are new to Open Source development and will provide a helping hand. To ensure that everyone understands what we expect from our community, our projects have a Contributor Code of Conduct and by participating in the development of you agree to abide by its terms.
To get you going without much hassle we created a vagrant-setup. To use it fork the joindin-vm repository and follow the instructions in there.
This VM will load all three projects (, joindin-vm and joindin-web2).
- The main website
- Issues list: (good bug reports ALWAYS welcome!)
- Community: We hang out on Slack, pop in with questions or comments! You can join via Joindin Slack
git has the capability to define a global gitignore file , which means you can set up rules on your machine to ignore everything you don't want to include in your commits. This works not only for this project, but for all your other projects too.
You can define the gitignore file with a command that looks like this, where the last argument is the file that holds the patterns to ignore:
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
Octocat gives a good starting point for what to include, but you can also ignore the files used by your editor:
# Eclipse
# Intellij
# Maven
# Netbeans
For more info on ignoring files, github has an excellent help page.
Since web2 then calls the API, it can be tricky to see what is going on. You can use a proxy tool such as Charles Proxy or mitmproxy to observe the requests that are being made by enabling the proxy
setting in the config with a line that looks something like this:
'proxy' => 'tcp://',
If the proxy tool is running on your host machine, you'll need to understand what IP address the guest thinks your host has, the easiest way to do that is to vagrant ssh
into the VM and then type last
to see where it thinks you logged in from.
Alternatively, try Lorna's blog post about Wiresharking a VM.
Please do your best to ensure that any code you contributed adheres to the PSR2 coding style. You can run php codesniffer on an individual file like so:
vendor/bin/phpcs path/of/filename.php
This will run codesniffer on any file within the regular source for joindin-web2. Wildcards work as does specifying part of the path in case the filename alone results in sniffing more files than you wanted.
To see a summary of the codesniff errors and warnings across the entire project, run
composer sniff
This will show the files that still need some attention.
We use PHPUnit for running unit tests against the joindin-web2 codebase.
To run PHPUnit tests, you can go the classic route:
vendor/bin/phpunit -c . tests/
You can also use composer to run your tests:
composer test
Code coverage requires that xdebug be running. If you are using the joindin-vm Vagrant box, you can run your tests from within vagrant:
vagrant ssh
xon # note: this turns on xdebug
cd ~/joindin-vm/joindin-web2
composer test
You can see your code coverage report by going to http://localhost:63342/joindin-web2/build/coverage/index.html
The joindin-API is developed under a BSD-3 License. You can find the exact wording in the LICENSE-file