One is always behind in life
Dr.Stefan Ostermann, Senior Quantum Scientist
I'm currently a Scientific Software Developer at QuEra Computing Inc. helping build a little bit of everything from compilers and SDKs to hardware telemetry and educational resources for neutral atom quantum computers.
Previously I worked at If and Only If Technologies as a Quantum Software Engineer and helped develop workshops for students at Quantum Computing at Davis when I was obtaining my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at UC Davis.
I've also interned at Sandia National Labs, General Dynamics Mission Systems, and Intel (2x) as a Software Engineering Intern (:
Things I've worked on in my time at QuEra:
- Bloqade.jl - QuEra's Julia-based SDK for simulating analog quantum computation with neutral atoms
- ParallelMergeCSR.jl - An implementation/port of Merill and Garland's Merge-based Parallel Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication (10.1109/SC.2016.57) paper
- DormandPrince.jl - A pure Julia implementation of the Dormand-Prince 5th and 8th order solvers
- quera-education - Resources for learning about Analog neutral atom quantum computation with QuEra's tools and hardware
- amazon-braket-examples - Examples for using AWS Braket
- GSG-Morph - The Graph/Subgraph Isomorphism Library for Quantum Annealers
- Boson-Sampling - An educational library for better understanding Aaronson-Arkhipov Boson Sampling
If you'd like to know more about what I do, Quantum Computing, or my previous work, feel free to reach out!
You can find me via e-mail, LinkedIn, or you can schedule a 30-minute call with me