Description from This is phpQuery, a PHP port of jQuery selectors, super useful for DOM traversal and functional testing.
It is originally by Tobiasz Cudnik:
And was released under the MIT license.
We've cloned it into github because no issues have been fixed upstream in the last two years and we needed to fix a bug relating to the serialize() method to get our functional tests to work. You can find our github repository here:
"What did you fix?"
Our initial commit includes a fix for the serialize() method, crucial to do form submissions (a big deal for functional testing). See the commit history in github for any later changes.
- P'unk Avenue
- I tried to include all fixes of all brunches until today.
- I removed multibyte string Functions.
- Included the file jphpQuery.php that can be used alone.
- Johntor 2018
Using phpQuery
$doc = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($markup);
$doc = phpQuery::newDocumentXML();
$doc = phpQuery::newDocumentFileXHTML('test.html');
$doc = phpQuery::newDocumentFilePHP('test.php');
$doc = phpQuery::newDocument('test.xml', 'application/rss+xml');
$doc = phpQuery::newDocument('<div/>');
$doc['ul > li'] ->addClass('my-new-class')
//For more information about usage, visit the pahe